PEAKE, Harold J. E.

PEAKE, Harold John Edward. Ellesmere, Shropshire 29.9.1867 — 22.9.1946. British lay Anthropologist and Archaeologist. Son of Rev. John Peake, Vicar of Ellesmere, and his wife Matilda. Hon. M.A. 1925 Liverpool. Trained in estate management at Leicester. With his wife went around the world and stayed some time in a ranch in…

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LUNIN, Boris Vladimirovič

LUNIN, Boris Vladimirovič. Geneva 18.7.1906 — Tashkent 18.10.2001. Russian Historian of Central Asia. Son of a lawyer, graduated in 1922 (?) from Arheologičeskij Institut in Rostov-na-Donu. War service 1941-45. Kand. ist. nauk 1956, Dr. ist. nauk 1967, Professor 1970. In 1925-41 “sotrudnik Donskogo obščestva arheologii, istorii, Sev.-Kavkazskogo kraevogo obščestva arheologii…

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LUARD, C. Eckford

LUARD, Charles Eckford. Farnham, Surrey 11.11.1869 (or 11.10.) — Oxford 17.5.1927. British Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant-Colonel. Son of Colonel Charles Henry Luard and Amelia Juliana Martin. Educated in Marlborough, studies at Oxford (Christchurch), M.A. Cadet 1891, in 1892-98 served in Indian army, then in Indian Political Service until 1925. Superintendent…

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LOGAN, Alexander Cochrane

LOGAN, Alexander Cochrane. 1861? — 1910?. British Civil Servant in India. Probably son of the elder A.C.L. (mentioned in 1851/61) and his wife Margaret Hall, grew up in Mandeville, Jamaica. From 1879 (when 18) studies at Oxford (Balliol College). Joined I.C.S. in 1879 and from 1881 worked in Bombay Presidency,…

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KROEBER, Alfred L.

KROEBER, Alfred Louis. Hoboken, NJ 11.6.1876 — Paris 9.10.1960. U.S. Cultural Anthropologist and Linguist. Son of German immigrants, Florenz Kr. and Anna Müller, grew up in New York City. Studies at Columbia College (B.A. 1896 in English, M.A. 1897 in Romantic drama). PG studies of anthropology under Franz Boas at…

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KOSSINNA, Gustaf. Tilsit, Ostpreussen (now Sovetsk in Russia) 28.9.1858 — Berlin 20.12.1931. German Archaeologist. Professor in Berlin. Son of a secondary-school teacher, Hermann K., and Natalie Genzmer. After gymnasium in Tilsit studied classics and Germanic philology at Göttingen, Leipzig, Berlin and Strassburg. Ph.D. 1887 Strassburg. In 1887-92 librarian in  Halle,…

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KÖLVER, Bernhard

KÖLVER, Bernhard. Ründeroth near Köln 2.4.1938 — Leipzig 27.11.2001. German Indologist. Professor in Köln, Kiel and Leipzig. Son of a gymnasium teacher, who Participated in WW II and died soon after his return from captivity. Educated in Wertheim, Gummersbach und Fort Myers (Florida). From 1956 studies linguistics, Anglistics, Germanistics and…

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JETTMAR, Karl Josef. Vienna 8.8.1918 — Heidelberg 28.3.2002. Austrian Anthropologist in Germany, famous Specialist of North Pakistan. Son of Rudolf J. (1869–1939), an Art Nouveau painter, and Maria Mayer, grew up in Vienna. Roman Catholic.  Began studies of history and German at Vienna in 1936, soon turned to anthropology (i.a. under…

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HUTCHINSON, J. Robert. 18?? — 1???. Rev. Canadian Baptist Missionary in India. Perhaps from Nova Scotia. From 1881 worked in Chicacole (Srikakulam, Andhra Pradesh). In 1887 returned to Canada, but came back and was there in 1890. Active 1898. Married Publications: “Revised List of Antiquities in the Chicacole Taluq”, MJLS30, 1887-88, 152-159 (Srikakulam…

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HENCKEN, Hugh O’Neill. New York City 8.1.1902 — Cape Cod 31.8.1981.U.S. Archaeologist. Born to an Irish American family, son of Albert Charles Hencken and Mary Creighton Hencken. Studies at Princeton and Cambridge. Ph.D. 1929 Cambridge, in Archaeology. From 1932 to his retirement in 1972 Curator of European archaeology at the Peabody…

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