JISL, Lumír

JISL, Lumír. Svijanský Újezd, Liberec region 18.4.1921 — Prague 22.11.1969. Czech Scholar of Tibetan, Mongolian and Japanese, a Specialist of Buddhist Art. After school in Toruń from 1940 studies of archaeology and ethnography at Prague. In the wartime worked as insurance official in Liberec, then continued studies (graduated 1949). From…

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HUNT, Edmund Henderson

HUNT, Edmund Henderson. Kensington, London 23.11.1874 — Farnham, Surrey 15.12.1952. British Physician (Surgeon) in India, interested in Archaeology. Son of John Mortimer Hunt and Eliza Henderson. Studies at Oxford (Balliol College). M.D. Chief medical officer to the Nizam’s State Railway. Conducted excavations and collected porcelain. Returned to the U.K. in…

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HÁJEK, Lubor

HÁJEK, Lubor. Nové Strašecí, Rakovnik region 5.5.1921 — Prague 2.3.2000. Czech Art Historian. Studies of Indology at Prague 1945-49 (Lesný and Pertold). Ph.D. 1949 Prague (under Pertold). From 1952 Director of Oriental Collections at Czech National Gallery, retired in 1986. Publications: Diss. Poměr náboženský a pohavního pudu v tantrismu. Manuscript,…

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GUIMET, Émile-Étienne. Lyon 2.6.1836 — Fleurieu-sur-Saône near Lyon 12.10.1918. French Industrialist, Traveller and Collectioner, the Founder of Musée Guimet. Son of Jean-Baptiste G. (1795–1871), chemist and founder of the family industry, and Zélie (Rosalie) Bidault (1798–1876), a paintress and musician. In early years he concentrated on art and music (studied…

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GRINDLAY, Robert Melville

GRINDLAY, Robert Melville. St.Marylebone near London 23.10.1786 — Nice, France 9.12.1877. British Colonial Officer and Artist in India, then Businessman in London. Son of Rev. Dr. John and Elizabeth Gr. Educated in London, Cadet 1802. Arrived in India in 1803 (when 17) and served 1804-20 in Bombay Native Infantry. Retired 1820…

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GORDON, Antoinette K.

GORDON, Antoinette Koscherak. 24.3.1892 — 24.3.1975. U.S. Anthropologist, Specialist of Tibetan Religious Art. From 1936 worked in the Department of Anthropology of the American Museum of Natural History. Publications: The Iconography of Tibetan Lamaism. 32+129 p. N.Y. 1939, rev. ed. 31+131 p. ill. Rutland, Vermont & Tokyo 1959. – Tibetan…

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GOIDSENHOVEN, Jacques P. van

GOIDSENHOVEN, Jacques P. van. 4.7.1932 (?) — 23.11.1971. Belgian Art Historian. But birth year seems to be wrong, he was already publishing in 1936 and worked then in Musées royaux d’Art et d‘Histoire. In an e-mail 19.11.2021 Claudine Bautze-Picron informs me that J. P. van G. of the 1954 publication…

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GATELLIER-BESNARD, Marie. 4.4.1940 — 9.5.1993. French Art Historian of Burma and Sri Lanka. Studies under J. Boisselier, also A. Bareau. Dr.-ès-lettres. Chargée de recherche in C.N.R.S. Fieldwork in Sri Lanka. Publications: Diss. publ. Les peintures murales de Sri Lanka. Ecole kandyenne XVIIIe-XIXe siècles. 266+152 p. P.E.F.E.O. 162. P. 1991. –…

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COHN-WIENER, Ernst (until 1907 Ernst Cohn). Tilsit, East Prussia (now Sovetsk in Russia) 25.12.1882 — New York 13.4.1941. German Historian of Asian Art. Matriculated 1902 from Bromberg (Bydgoszcz), studies of art history at Berlin and Heidelberg, where Ph.D. 1907. Then until 1933 taught at Humboldt-Akademie, a community college in Berlin. In 1924-25…

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BLACKADER, Adam. 17?? — 1807?. British Physician in India. Surgeon of Presidency of Fort Saint George (Madras), in the 1780s positioned in Madurai. Visited England, returned to India by land-route with Major Taylor. Retired. Married, at least one daughter. In Madurai he collected Indian paintings. Publications: “Description of the great pagoda of Madura,…

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