POTT, August Friedrich

POTT, August Friedrich. Nettelrede (now Nesselröden) near Hannover 14.11.1802 (or 14.9.) — Halle 5/6.7.1887. German IE Scholar. Professor in Halle. Son of a minister, he lost early his father and at nine also his mother. Grew up in the home of his uncle, Rev. G. H. Deicke, attended lyceum in…

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POTEBNJA, Oleksandr Opanasovyč

POTEBNJA, Oleksandr Opanasovyč (Russian Aleksandr Afanasevič). Maniv near Havrylivka (Gavrilovka), dt. Poltava 10/22.9.1835 — Harkiv 29.11./11.12.1891. Ukrainian Linguist. Born in a noble family. After school in Radom (now in Poland) studied from 1851 at Harkov (Harkiv) law, history and philology (graduated 1856) and then Slavistics (grad. 1860), i.al. under Ovsjaniko-Kulikovskij.…

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PORZIG, Walter

PORZIG, Walter. Ronneburg/Thüringen 30.3.1895 — Mainz 14.10.1961. German IE Scholar. Professor in Bern, Jena and Mainz. Son of judge Max Porzig (1865–1910) and Hedwig Brauer. After school in Jena and Leipzig studied in 1913-14 at Jena and Leipzig (under Windisch et al.) and again, after military service, in 1919-21, now…

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PORZEZIŃSKI, Wiktor Jan (Russian Viktor Karlovič Poržezinskij). Moršansk (or Temnikovo), Russia 23.7.(4.8.)1870 — Warsaw 12.4.1929. Polish Baltic and IE Linguist. Born in a Roman Catholic noble family, son of Karel P., educated in Moscow. From 1892 studies at Moscow under Fortunatov. Dr. 1903. From 1895 or 1901 taught as PD…

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PORTMAN, Maurice Vidal

PORTMAN, Maurice Vidal. London, Ontario 21.3.1860 — Axbridge, Somerset 14.2.1935. British (of Canada) Naval Officer and Anthropologist in India. Son of Hon. Maurice Berkeley Portman (1833–1888) and Helen Vidal Harris (d. c. 1867). Joined Royal Marine in the age of 16. Commissioner of the Andamans in 1879–99. He had health problems,…

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POŘÍZKA, Vincenc

POŘÍZKA, Vincenc. Drahany na Morave 9.11.1905 — Prague 22.8.1982. Czech Indologist (Scholar of Hindi/Urdu). Professor in Prague. Born in Central Moravian mountain area, educated in Kroměříž. He studied Catholic theology at Olomouc. Ordained, Theol.Dr. From 1938 studies of Indology at Prague (under Pertold and Lesný). From 1942 taught Hindustani at…

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POPOV, Aleksandr Vasil’evič

POPOV, Aleksandr Vasil’evič. Druželjubovka village, Kupjansk dt., Harkiv govt. 16.11.1855 — 26.9.1880. Ukrainian Indologist. Son of a priest, educated at Kupjansk Spiritual Seminary in 1871-75. Studied Sanskrit and comparative linguistics under V. Scherzl at Harkiv, graduated in 1879. His both dissertations about Sanskrit and IE syntax were deemed remarkable and…

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POKORNY, Aron Julius. Prague 12.6.1887 — Zürich 8.4.1970. Austrian (Bohemian) IE and Celtic Scholar in Swizerland. Professor in Berlin and Zürich. Son of Samuel Christian Pokorny (1855–1943) and Margarete Riegner (thus Schmitt, German Wikipedia Anton Pokorny and his wife Rosalia). Educated in Prague and in Kremsmünster in Austria. Studies of law…

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POBOŻNIAK, Tadeusz. Cracow 1910 — 26.1.1991 (when 80). Polish Indologist and Gipsy Scholar. Professor in Cracow. Born in a poor family, his father served in City Council guard.Educated in Cracow. Studied at Cracow IE (under Rozwadowski) and Germanic, then also Sanskrit under Willman-Grabowska. M.A. 1938 with a diss. on conjunctive…

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PLATNER, Samuel Ball

PLATNER, Samuel Ball. Unionville, Conn. 4.12.1863 — at sea 20.8.1921. U.S. Classical Scholar also interested in Sanskrit. Son of William Platner, a factory owner, and Emily Childs Ball, brother of theologian John Winthrop Platner (1865–1921). Studies of Classics and Sanskrit at Yale (A.B. 1883, Ph.D. 1885), further studies in 1889-90…

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