PONS, Jean François

PONS, Jean François. Rodez (Aveyron) 6.12.1698 — Chandernagor 1752/53. Father. S.J. French Missionary in India. Novice 1713, in 1726 arrived at Tanjore, from 1731 Superior of Bengal Mission in Chandernagor. In 1734 he visited the observatories of Delhi and Jaipur together with P. Boudier (1686–1757). Later also travelled in south,…

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PLATTS, John Thompson. Calcutta 1.8.1830 — London 21.9.1904. British Indologist (Hindī Scholar) in India. Son of Robert Platts and Elizabeth Kennaway (1802–1862). Lost early his father and grew in modest circumstances (but both geni.com and ancestry.com give his father the years 1795–1855), educated at Bedford School in London. Returned to…

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PLATNER, Samuel Ball

PLATNER, Samuel Ball. Unionville, Conn. 4.12.1863 — at sea 20.8.1921. U.S. Classical Scholar also interested in Sanskrit. Son of William Platner, a factory owner, and Emily Childs Ball, brother of theologian John Winthrop Platner (1865–1921). Studies of Classics and Sanskrit at Yale (A.B. 1883, Ph.D. 1885), further studies in 1889-90…

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PIZZI, Italo

PIZZI, Italo. Parma 30.11.1849 — Turin 5/6.12.1920. Italian Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in Turin. Born in a large family of nobility, son of Agostino Pizzi and Maria Teresa Prussia. Studied at Pisa Semitic, Indian and Germanic languages under De Benedetti, Lasinio and Teza. Ph.D. 1871 Pisa. Worked as teacher in Parma…

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PIZZAGALLI, Angelo Maria

PIZZAGALLI, Angelo Maria. Milano 6.6.1883 — Milano 8.9.1941. Italian Indologist. Greatgrandson of —> P. G. Maggi. Student of Formichi at Pisa. From 1913 PD of Sanskrit at Pisa. From 1914 Professore incaricato di Sanscrito e Civiltà Indiana at Genoa, then at Milano. Also worked as schoolteacher of Greek and Latin.…

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PISCHEL, Richard

PISCHEL, Richard. Breslau 18.1.1849 — Madras 26.12.1908. German Indologist. Professor in Kiel, Halle and Berlin. Son of Ernst Gottfried Pischel, a manufacturer of surgical instruments, and Emilie Haertel (d. 1857). After school in Breslau studied Sanskrit (under Stenzler) and classical philology at Breslau. Ph.D. 1870 Breslau. After war service further…

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PISANI, Vittore

PISANI, Vittore. Rome 23.2.1899 — Como 22.12.1990. Italian IE and Classical Scholar, also much interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Milano. From 1916 studied in Rome, but in 1917-18 participated in the WW I. Ph.D. 1921 Rome (diss. on the Helena of Euripides). From 1930 PD (libero docente) at Università di…

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PINNA, Emilio

PINNA, Emilio. 18?? — 19??. Italian Author interested in Sanskrit, in the 1910s. From Cagliari (?). Publications: Translated: “Ṛtusaṁhāra o il Ciclo delle Stagioni: poemetto lirico-erotico tradotto dall’indiano antico con note critiche ed esegetiche e un raffronto col Meghaduta”, Mem. della R. Accad. delle Scienze di Torino 61, 1911, 1-59;…

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PINCOTT, Frederic

PINCOTT, Frederic. 1836 — Lucknow 1896. British Indologist. Apparently he was in India. Last years living in London (1892). Without giving any details my heritage.com mentions Fr. P. who was born c. 1836 and married Elizabeth. Publications: With C. A. Godde de Liancourt, Primitive and universal laws of the formation and…

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PICKFORD, John. 18?? — 1???. British Indologist. Studies at Oxford (Brasenose College) under Monier Williams (1865 there), Boden Scholar of Sanskrit. M.A. Until 1872 Professor of Sanskrit at Presidency College in Madras. Retired from the membership of R.A.S. in 1873. At least he cannot be the same as J.P., “a…

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