PARISOT, Valentin

PARISOT, C.-C.-Valentin. Vendôme (Loir-et-Cher) 16.8.1800 — Paris 8.10.1861. French Literate interested in India. Professor at Faculté de Lettres in Rennes, Grenoble and Douai. Son of a musician. Studies at Pensionnat normal (future École normale supérieur). Schoolteacher in several towns, for a while theatre director, then Professor of Foreign Literature at…

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PAPPACENA, Enrico. Naples 5.12.1882 — Bari 5.9.1980. Italian Indologist and Scholar of Religion. Professor in Bari. Son of Roberto P. and Clelia Casalini. Studies of Russian and Indology at Naples (Kerbaker), graduated 1914. In 1918-20 at Nancy in France teaching Italian. Then teaching at liceo in Lanciano, also concentrating on…

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PAPESSO, Valentino

PAPESSO, Valentino. Verona 29.8.1888 — 1944. Italian Indologist. Professor in Bologna. Studies at Bologna, graduated 1911. School teacher, also Docent of Sanskrit at Bologna University, then Professor incaricato there. He emphasized the IE heritage reflecting in the Veda. Publications: Edited: “Il ‘Pinākinīmāhātmyam’ attribuito al Brahmāṇḍapurāṇam”, GSAI 27, 1915, 81-128. –…

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PALMBLAD, Vilhelm Fredrik

PALMBLAD, Vilhelm Fredrik. Skönberga, Östergötland 16.12.1788 — Uppsala 2.9.1852. Swedish Historian interested in India. Professor in Uppsala. Son of a warden (kronofogd) Carl Fredrik P., and Eva Katarina Fahlstedt, the father died when he was 10. In the age of 14 became disabled through a pelvic illness. From 1806 studies…

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VULLERS, Johann August

VULLERS, Johann August. Bonn 23.10.1803 — Bonn 21.1.1880. German Oriental (Arabic and Persian) Scholar. Professor in Giessen. Born in a Roman Catholic family, son of cooper and wine merchant Johann Theodor Vullers and Margarethe Pützfeld. Educated in Bonn. From 1822 studied at Bonn Catholic Theology, philosophy (Windischmann) and soon also…

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VOGEL, Jean-Philippe

VOGEL, Jean-Philippe. ’s-Gravenhage 9.1.1871 — Oegstgeest near Leiden 10.4.1958. Dutch Indologist, Specialist of Indian Art and Archaeology. Professor in Leiden. Son of Johan Gregorius V. (1843–1920), a judge, and Jeanne Adrienne du Quesne van Breuchem (1844–1890). Educated in Alkmaar, gymnasium in Haarlem, then studied Sanskrit and Dutch at Amsterdam, also…

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VILLE, Frans de

VILLE, Frans de. 1??? — 19??. Belgian Schoolteacher interested in Indology. Called Professor, probably ar a school. Perhaps he is the same F. de Ville whom mentions as born in Zandbergen 31.1.1877 and married with Maria Finantia Lafourt. Publications: Transl. Çakuntalâ. 94 p. Coll. Lebégue 3:31. Bruxelles 1943; Une…

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VALLAURI, Mario. Viareggio (Lucca) 31.7.1887 — Dronero (Cuneo) 19.9.1964. Italian Indologist. Professor in Turin. Born in an old Piemontese family, son of Giuseppe Vallauri (1840–1902) and Maddalena Pronetti. Studied Indology at Naples under Kerbaker(degree 1911). Further studies in 1912 at Florence under Pavolini and 1913-14 at Würzburg under Jolly, concentrating…

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ŽUKOVSKIJ, Vasilij Andreevič

ŽUKOVSKIJ, Vasilij Andreevič. Tula province 19.1.(9.2.)1783 — Baden-Baden 12.(24.)4.1852. Russian poet. He was illegitimate son of a landowner, Afanasij Bunin and Turkish slave girl Salkha, adopted by a family friend (hence the surname Ž.). From the age of 14 educated at Moscow University. He served in the Napoleonic War of…

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ZIMMER, Heinrich, the younger

ZIMMER, Heinrich Robert. Greifswald 6.12.1890 — New Rochelle, N.Y. 20.3.1943. German Indologist in the U.S.A. Professor in Heidelberg. Son of —> Heinrich Zimmer the elder (1851–1910) and Martha Sophie Hirt. Matriculated in Berlin in 1909, then studied Hebrew, Germanistics, art history and soon Indology (Lüders) at Berlin. Ph.D. 1914 Berlin. He…

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