MAKOVEL’SKIJ, Aleksandr Osipovič

MAKOVEL’SKIJ, Aleksandr Osipovič. Grodno (Hrodna in Belarus) 10(22).8.1884 — Baku 16.12.1969. Russian Iranian Scholar in Azerbaijan. Son of an official, Osip Konstantinovič M., and Elena Osipovna, educated in Grodno. Graduated 1907 from Kazan University (Ph.D.), Dr. of Science 1921 Kazan. Dr. filos. nauk 1946. In 1909-20 taught higher female classes…

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FAIANI, Antonio

FAIANI, Antonio. 17.8.1859 — 19??. Italian School-Teacher interested in Indology. Director of R. Liceo-Ginnasio Massimo d’Azeglio in Turin. Perhaps lived into an advanced age. But sources are contradictory. One Antonio Faiani of Verona has life years 1859–1933. However, Pullé in OC 10, 1894, 2:10 ascribes the Meghadūta to the Director…

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LOMAN, Johannes

LOMAN, Johannes Reinoud Abraham. Amsterdam 3.11.1908 — 1976. Dutch Indologist. Son of Abraham Dirk L., a composer, and Alida Lütkeman, an opera singer. Studied history at Amsterdam and worked as teacher of history. After the WW II studies of Indology under Scharpé, Galestin and van Lohuizen-de Leeuw. Ph.D. 1956 Amsterdam,…

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LEVERTOV, Priscilla Denise. Ilford, London 24.10.1923 — Seattle 20.12.1997. British-born poetess in the U.S.A. Daughter of Paul L. a Russian Hashidic Jew, who took Christianity, moved to the U.K. and became Anglican priest. Her mother was Beatrice Adelaide Spooner-Jones. Educated at home. In 1947 she married American Mitchell Goodman (1923–1997),…

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LANGLOIS, Simon-Alexandre

LANGLOIS, Simon-Alexandre. Nogent-sur-Marne (or Paris?) 4.8.1788 — Nogent-sur-Marne 11.8.1854. French Indologist. Schoolteacher and Member of Academy in Paris. Studies of Sanskrit under Chézy in Paris. Professor (teacher) of Rhetorics at Lycée de Charlemagne. Inspecteur de l’Académie de Paris. From 1835 member of A.I.B.L. Married, children. Langlois was the favourite student…

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LANCEREAU, Édouard. Sedan (Ardennes) 27.6.1819 — Lisieux (Calvados) 25.12.1895. French Indologist. Studies in Paris, especially Sanskrit under Burnouf. For a while taught as professeur suppléant at Collège de Charlemagne, then concentrated on research and translating work (from Sanskrit and Hindi). Correcteur at Imprimérie national. Publications: Chrestomathie hindie et hindoue. Vocabulaire hindi-hindoui-français. 4+134+144…

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LAMOTTE, Étienne

LAMOTTE, Étienne. Dinant 21.2.1903 — Brussels 5.5.1983. Monseigneur. Belgian Indologist and Catholic Priest. Professor in Louvain. Born in a big family as the son of the court officer and historian Georges L. (1861–1952). After classical education in Dinant took ecclesiastic career like his brother. Now studied classical languages and scholastic…

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BABBITT, Irving. Dayton, Ohio 2.8.1865 — Cambridge, Mass. 15.7.1933. U.S. Romance Philologist interested in Pāli. Son of Edwin Dwight B. and Augusta Darling. Educated at Harvard (A.B. 1889, A.M. 1893, including Sanskrit), also studies in Paris 1891-92 (Pāli and Buddhism at E.P.H.E.). Instructor in Romance Languages at Williams College 1893-94,…

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SCHÖNBERG, Ignaz. Baraczhaza, Hungary (now Barateaz in Romania) 7.4.1860 (hardly 1856) — Vienna 29.1.1886. Austrian (or German) Indologist. Son of Markus Schönberg and Johanna Chaja Katalin. Educated in Temesvar (Timişoara) and Pest, in 1873 the family moved to Vienna. Student of Bühler at Vienna University, Ph.D. 1884. In May 1884…

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SUMMER, Mary (nom-de-plume, really Marie [or Louise-Charlotte] Foucaux, née Filon). 1842 — 1902. French Indological Author. Daughter of Auguste Filon (1800–1875), a historian, and Marie Théodorine Sandrie-des-Fosses, wife of —> Ph. Ed. Foucaux (1811–1894). Married in 1862 (one source claims 1859), lived with her husband in Paris. Publications: Les religieuses…

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