TOD, James

TOD, James. Islington (London) 20.3.1782 — London 17.11.1835. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer, Indologist and Numismatist in India. Son of James Tod and Mary Heatly, born in London, but educated in Scotland. In 1798 became cadet, with the help of his uncle, 1799 came to Bengal. Lieutenant 1800. In 1801 was…

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THURSTON, Edgar. Kew (London) 1855 — Penzance 5/12.10.1935 (when 80). British Anthropologist and Naturalist in India. Son of Charles Bosworth Thurston. Educated at Eton, studies of medicine at King’s College, London (LRCP 1877), then worked ar Kent County Lunatic Asylum. From 1885-1908 Superintendent in Madras Museum, also lectured in anatomy…

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THOMAS, Edward

THOMAS, Edward. 31.12.1813 — Kensington (London) 10.2.1886. British Civil Servant and Indologist in India. Son of Honoratus Leigh Thomas, a Welsh surgeon, and his wife, née Cruikshank. Educated at Haileybury. In 1832 joined the Bengal Civil Service as a writer. Worked as judge in Delhi, soon Superintending Judge of Saugor…

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THEOBALD, William. Marylebone, London 1829 — Ilfracombe, Devon 31.3.1908. British Naturalist in India. Son of the elder William Theobald and Anna Bishop, early years unclear. He arrived at Calcutta in 1847, worked in a coal company and became acquainted with Joseph Hooker. He joined the Geological Survey of India and…

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TAYLOR, George P.

TAYLOR, George Pritchard. Cambay, Gujarat 1854 — Ahmedabad 21.2.1920. Rev. British Presbyterian Missionary in India. Son of  Rev.Joseph van Someran Taylor (1820–1881), missionary in India, translator of the Bible in Gujarātī and author of a grammar (below). Also the grandfather, Rev. Joseph Taylor (d. 1859) had been missionary (in Bellary…

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PRINSEP, James. London 20/29.8.1799 — London 22.4.1840. British Civil Servant, Numismatist and Epigraphist in India. Son of John Prinsep (1746–1830), an industrialist and politician who had been in India as soldier in 1771-88, and Sophia Elizabeth Auriol (1760–1850), brother of —> Henry Thoby Prinsep (1792–1878). He studied chemistry and was…

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PHAYRE, Arthur P.

PHAYRE, Arthur Purves. Shrewsbury 7.5.1812 — Bray near Dublin 14.12.1885. Sir. British (Irish Protestant) Colonial Officer and Burmese Scholar. In Burma 1834-74. Son of Richard Phayre (1761–1830) and Mary Ridgeway. “Educated in Shrewsbury, entered the Bengal Army, 1828. Served in the administration of Burma, 1834-48, in the Panjab, 1848-9; Commissioner…

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PERTSCH, Wilhelm

PERTSCH, Ludwig Karl Wilhelm. Coburg 19.4.1832 — Gotha 17.8.1899. German Indologist and Oriental Scholar. Librarian in Gotha. Son of Ludwig Pertsch, a lawyer, lost early his father. After Coburg Gymnasium studied from 1850 at Berlin Oriental languages, especially Sanskrit under Weber. After one term under Roth at Tübingen returned to…

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PAHOMOV, Evgenij Aleksandrovič

PAHOMOV, Evgenij Aleksandrovič. Stavropol, Russian Caucasia 13.(25.)2.1880 — 2.5.1965. Russian Iranian and Caucasian Scholar, specialist of Middle Iranian Epigraphy and Numismatics. Son of an official, matriculated 1896 from Tiflis (Tbilisi). Graduated 1900 from Archaeological Institute and 1902 from St.Petersburg Technological Institute. In 1920-65 taught at Azerbaijan University and in 1920-65…

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OLSHAUSEN, Justus. Hohenfelde, Holstein 9.5.1800 — Berlin 28.12.1882. German Oriental Scholar and Theologian. Professor in Kiel and Königsberg. Son of Rev. (later Superintendent) Detlev Olshausen (1766–1823) and Ida Hoyer (1771–1804), younger brother of theologian Hermann Olshausen (1796–1839). After school in Eutin and Glückstadt, studied in 1816-19 at Kiel and 1819-20…

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