INGALLS, Daniel H. H.

INGALLS, Daniel Henry Holmes. New York 4.5.1916 — Hot Springs, Va 17.7.1999. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Cambridge, Mass. Son of Fay Ingalls and Rachel Conwell Holmes. Grew up in Virginia. Studies of classics, philosophy and Sanskrit (W. E. Clark) at Harvard: A.B. 1936, A.M. 1938. From 1938-49 Junior Fellow at Harvard,…

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HAUER, Jakob Wilhelm

HAUER, Jakob Wilhelm. Kitzingen, Kr. Leonberg, Württemberg 4.4.1881 — Tübingen 18.2.1962. German Indologist. Professor in Tübingen. Son of a master plasterer, Jakob Hauer, and Gottliebin Maier, in a Pietist family. After elementary school learned his father’s craft, but went in 1900 to the mission school of Basel. In 1907 to…

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HARRISON, Max Hunter. Victoria, co. Knox, Illinois 24.12.1893 — Auburndale, co. Middlesex, Mass. 20.2.1986. Rev. U.S. Missionary in India. Son of Jacob H. H. and Ellen Wilmetta Levalley. Studied mathematics and Greek at Knox College (B.A. 1913), then at Andower Newton Theological School (B.Th. 1916) and Harvard Divinity School (M.Th.…

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HANDT, Werner

HANDT, Werner. 18?? — 19??. German student of Indology. In 1899 he was in Greifswald. Ph.D. 1900 Tübingen (apparently student of Garbe). Publications: Diss. Die atomistische Grundlage der Vaiśeṣika-Philosophie nach den Quellen dargestellt. Manuscript, Tübingen, publ. 64 p. Rostock & Leipzig 1900 (there was then no forced printing at Tübingen…

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HAMM, Frank-Richard

HAMM, Frank-Richard. Königsberg 8.10.1920 — Bonn 11.11.1973. German Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Professor in Bonn. Son of Lieutenant Richard and Hedwig Hamm, moved with his parents to Hamburg in 1922 and matriculated there 1939. In 1940-41 studies of Indology, philosophy and ethnology at Hamburg (under Schubring, Zieseniss, E. Fraenkel…

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HALL, Fitzedward

HALL, Fitzedward. Troy, N.Y. 21.3.1825 — Marlesford, Suffolk 1.2.1901 (or 11.2.?). U.S. Indologist, in India 1846-62 and then in the U.K. Born in an old New England family, son of Daniel Hall, a lawyer, and Anginetta Fitch. Educated in Troy, Walpole and Poughkeepsie, graduated 1842 from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute as…

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HALBFASS, Wilhelm. Nordheim, Niedersachsen 11.5.1940 — Bryn Mawr, PA 25.5.2000. German Indologist and Philosopher in the U.S.A. After 20 years in the U.S.A. still German citizen. Son of Willi and Ilse-Marie H. Studies of philosophy, Indology (Waldschmidt) and classical philology 1959-61 & 1962-66 at Göttingen, 1961-62 at Vienna. Ph.D. 1966…

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HACKER, Paul. Seelscheid, Bergisches Land (Kreis Sieg) 6.1.1913 — Münster, Westfalen 18.3.1979. German Indologist. Professor in Bonn and Münster. After matriculation from Siegburg Gymnasium studied Indology, modern literature (English, French and Russian) and philosophy at Bonn, Heidelberg, Frankfurt and Berlin. In Indology student of Kirfel, Losch, Zimmer, Ruben, and Breloer.…

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GUÉNON, René Jean Marie Joseph. Blois 15.11.1886 — Cairo 7.1.1951. French Philosopher and Author interested in Indian philosophy, rather uncritical admirer of the East. Son of Jean-Baptiste G., an architect, and Anna-Léontine Jolly. Grew up in a Catholic home, school in Blois. He studied mathematics at École polytechnique in Paris,…

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GROHMA, Otto. Vienna 4.3.1943 — Paris 4.9.1974. Austrian Indologist. After matriculation in 1962 in Vienna studied there Indology and classical archaeology. Ph.D. 1971 Vienna. From 1972 Assistant at Indological Institute in Vienna. Died suddenly during a visit to Paris, a habilitation dissertation on Vallabha’s Nyāyalīlāvatī remained unfinished. Publications: Diss. Die…

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