KITAGAWA, Joseph Mitsuo. Osaka 8.3.1915 — Chicago 7.10.1992. U.S. (Japanese-born) Scholar of Religion.  Born in a Christian Japanese family, his father was episcopal priest, grew up in Japan. Studied theology at Rikkyo University in Tokyo, graduated B.A. 1937. Now went to the U.S.A. for further theology studies at Berkeley. During…

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JUNGBLUT, Leonhard J.

JUNGBLUT, Leonhard J. 1906 — Bombay 1979. Rev. Father, S.V.D. Dutch Catholic Missionary in India. As a young man in the 1930s member of Indore mission, worked on Bhils. Anthropological fieldwork in 1938-39. In 1962-71 Principal of St. Theresa’s High School in Bombay. Publications: A Short Bhili Grammar of Jhabua State…

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JETTMAR, Karl Josef. Vienna 8.8.1918 — Heidelberg 28.3.2002. Austrian Anthropologist in Germany, famous Specialist of North Pakistan. Son of Rudolf J. (1869–1939), an Art Nouveau painter, and Maria Mayer, grew up in Vienna. Roman Catholic.  Began studies of history and German at Vienna in 1936, soon turned to anthropology (i.a. under…

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JESTIN, Remont

JESTIN, Remont (Rieg, Rigakos J., also as Gestin, French Raymond-Riec Jestin). Landerneau, Bretagne 1902 (or 1905?) — Menton, Coté d’Azur 1991. French (Breton) Sumerologist and Philosopher. Studies at École du Louvre. Taught Sumerian as directeur d’études at É.P.H.É. in 1946-72. Also known as a painter. Publications: Ar Bouddha hag ar vouddhaadegezh. 128 p.…

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JACOBY, Gustav Adolf. 9.3.1875 — 10.10.1943. German Theologian and Scholar of Religion. Studies at Strassburg, vicar there in 1900-04. Minister in Weitersweilen 1904-12, then in Luxemburg. Married Alice Schaller. Publications: Much on classical and Christian religion, also on Coptic literature. – “Zum Zerstückelungs- und Wiederbelebungswunder der indischen Fakire”, Archiv f. Rel.wiss. 17, 1914,…

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IGGLEDEN, Robert E. W. 11.6.1913 — 21.3.1981. British Bauddha. After WW II pupil of Sayadaw U Thittila until 1952 (when Sayadaw returned to Burma). Specialist of Abhidhamma and Secretary of the P.T.S. until 1976. Married Claudine, who wrote a life of Thittila in 1996. Publications: Assisted Sayadaw in his English translation of the…

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HUMMEL, Siegbert

HUMMEL, Siegbert. Rodewisch, Vogtland 18.7.1908 — Lengenfeld (or Röthenbach?), Vogtland 28.3.2001. German (East) Priest, Art Historian and Tibetan Scholar. He had first mercantile training in order to take over the curtain trade of his father, but the depression impended this and he turned to theology. Matriculated in 1932 from König Albert-Gymnasium…

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HONKO, Lauri

HONKO, Lauri Olavi. Hanko 6.3.1932 — Turku 15.7.2002. Finnish Folklorists. Professor in Turku. Son of Svante Honko and Helmi Sofia Starck. Studies at Helsinki, Ph.D. 1959 under M. Haavio. In 1971-97 Professor of Folklore and Religious Studies at Turku, then emeritus. Married 1958 Märta Sjögren (divorce 1988), one son, and Raili…

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HOEK, Albertus (Bert) Wilhelmus van den

HOEK, Albertus(Bert) Wilhelmus van den. Apeldoorn, Gelderland 2.9.1951 — Mumbai 1.12.2001. Dutch Anthropologist. After school in Utrecht studied Anthropology and Philosophy at Amsterdam, then at Leiden, where B.A. 1970 and M.A. 1976. Also learned Tamil and Sanskrit (Heesterman). In 1977 further studies under L. Dumont in Paris. In various research positions,…

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HELVERT, Lucas Frans van

HELVERT, Lucas Frans van. Dinther, North Brabant 5.5.1910 — Veghel, North Brabant 29.10.1999. Father. Dutch Catholic (Premonstratensian) missionary in India. Publications: “Burial Rites of the Gonds”, Anthropos 45, 1950, 209-222. Sources: Stray notes in Internet – no further details found.

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