OPPERT, Jules (Julius O.)

OPPERT, Jules (Julius O.). Hamburg 9.7.1825 — Paris 20/21.8.1905. German Assyriologist in France (naturalised 1854), originally also interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Paris. Son of Eduard Oppert (until 1812 Oppenheimer, 1792–1874) and Henriette Gans (1800–1875), brother of —> Gustav Oppert (1836–1908) and ErnstJacob Oppert (1832–1903, merchant in Shanghai). Educated at…

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OLMSTEAD, Albert Ten Eyck. Troy, NY 23.3.1880 — Chicago 11.4.1945. U.S. Oriental Scholar (Assyriologist and Historian). Professor in Chicago. Son of Charles Olmstead and Ella Blanchard. Studies at Cornell University (A.B. 1902, A.M. 1903, Ph.D. 1906). In 1904-05 Fellow in American School of Oriental Research in Jerusalem, 1906-07 in American…

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GHIRSHMAN, Tania (born Antoinette Levienne). Constantinople 1900 — 1984. The wife and competent helper of —> Roman Gh., like him, of Ukrainian origin. Daughter of a merchant, spent early years in Russia (Baku), but when she was six, the family moved to Paris. She became a dental surgeon, but rejected…

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GHIRSHMAN, Roman (Roman Mihajlovič Giršman). Harkiv 3.10.1895 — Budapest 5.9.1979. Russian (Ukrainian) Archaeologist of Iran in France. “Le duc de Suse”. Born in a wealthy Jewish family in Ukraina he became in 1914 an officer in Russian army and fought in WW 1 and in the White Army in Crimea.…

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D’JAKONOV, Mihail Mihajlovič

D’JAKONOV, Mihail Mihajlovič. St.Petersburg 13.(26.)6.1907 — Moscow 8.6.1954. Russian Historian of the Ancient World. Son of an official. Grew up in Norway. Studies in Oslo (1924-26) and Leningrad, graduated 1930. Kand. ist. nauk 1937, Dr. ist. nauk 1946. In 1930-31 naučnyj sotrudnik at Samarkand Museum and Uzbek Academy Oriental Institute,…

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ANDREAS, Friedrich Carl

ANDREAS, Friedrich Carl. Batavia (Jakarta) 14.4.1846 — Göttingen 3.10.1930. German Iranian Scholar. Professor in Göttingen. Born in Dutch East India as the son of a military physician with Armenian background and German mother, he was sent to Hamburg for school in the age of seven. Matriculated in Geneva. Studies of…

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