STRENG, Frederick J.

STRENG, Frederick John. Seguin, Texas 30.9.1933 — Dallas 21.6.1993 (when 59). U.S. Scholar of Religion. Son of a Lutheran minister, Adolph Carl Streng (1901–1973), and Elizabeth M. Hein. Studies at Texas Lutheran College (B.A. 1955), Southern Methodist Uni­versity (M.A. 1956) and University of Chicago (B.Div. 1960, under Eliade et al.),…

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SILVERSTONE, Marilyn (Bhikshuni Ngawang Chödrön). London 9.3.1929 — near Kathmandu 28.9.1999. U.S. Photojournalist and Buddhist Nun. Daughter of Murray Silverstone (1895–1965), a film director and the son of a Polish immigrant to the U.S.A., for a while working in London, and his wife Dorothy. Grew up in Scarsdale, NY, graduated…

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NAKAMURA, Susumu Winston

NAKAMURA, Susumu Winston. California 17.3.1908 — Berkeley 15.6.1989. U.S. Buddhist Scholar. M.A. Studied Tibetan at Berkeley under Lessing (M.A.), but never completed his Ph.D. Taught Japanese as Lecturer at Universities of Colorado (in Boulder, during WW II) and Berkeley. Married Fumie Yanagisana, at least one son. Publications: “Pradakshina, a Buddhist…

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SCHULTZE, Theodor. Oldenburg in Holstein 24.6.1824 — Potsdam 6.4.1898. German Lay Philosopher interested in Buddhism. Son of pharmacist Johann Andreas Schultze and Philippine Kregel. Studies of law at Kiel, graduated 1847. Served in various positions in administration in Danish Slesvig. After Danish-Prussian war in 1866 entered Prussian service and moved…

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SCHÖNWERTH, Sigurd. Munich 9.10.1908 — 24.1.1994. German Bauddha. A Physician. Son of Alfred Schönwerth (1865–1941), a chirurgian, and Thyra Hammar (of Sweden). Studied medicine at Munich, degrees 1932 and 1935, specialized in chirurgy and liver diseases. During the war served as military surgeon in France and the Eastern Front, now…

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SCHMIDT, Richard

SCHMIDT, Johann Wilhelm Richard. Aschersleben, Sachsen-Anhalt 29.1.1866 — Münster, Westfalen 15.11.1939. German Indologist. Professor in Münster. Son of a teacher. After school in Eisleben studied in 1886-90 at Halle (Pischel, Geldner). Ph.D. 1890 Halle. Eight years in Eisleben, probably as teacher. PD 1898 Halle, in 1904-10 also Librarian of D.M.G. In…

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SCHMIDT, Kurt. Berlin 1879 — Berlin 1975. German Journalist and Bauddha. Dr. iuris 1901 Rostock. Worked as journalist in Munich, Dresden and Leipzig, and Westfalen, 1901-31. Became interested in Buddhism though Oldenberg’s book and Neumann’s translations and started learning Pāli, then also Sanskrit and Chinese. After WW II living in West…

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RIEKER, Hans-Ulrich

RIEKER, Hans-Ulrich. 1.2.1920 — 26.10.1979. German Bauddha and Student of Yoga. Originally an actor. Studies of Yoga under a Guru in India, where he went in 1950. Ordained as Buddhist monk in 1952 at Anagarika Govinda’s Arya Maitreya Mandala and founded its Berlin branch. He was then its leader until…

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QUILES, Ismael

QUILES Sánchez, Ismael. Pedralba, Valencia 4.7.1906 — Buenos Aires 8.2.1993. S.J. Spanish Oriental Scholar in Argentina. Son of Rosendo Quiles Server and Marcela Sánchez Calduch. In 1918-22 studies at seminary of Valencia, in 1922 joined S.J. Then further studies at Jesuit College in Zaragoza. Ph.D. 1930 Colegio Máximo de San…

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POTT, Pieter Hendrik

POTT, Pieter Hendrik. Groningen 3.10.1918 — Driebergen-Rijsenburg, prov. Utrecht 29.7.1989. Dutch Archaeologist, Indologist, Tibetologist and South-East Asian Scholar. In 1938-46 studies of Indonesian languages at Utrecht (with interruptions caused by war) intending to serve in colonial administration. Ph.D. 1946 Leiden (under Bosch). In 1945-60 conservator (part-time) of the Kern Institute…

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