KINGSMILL, Thomas William. Dublin 8.1.1837 — Shanghai 26.7.1910. British civil engineer (architect) and geologist, from end 1862 until his death in Shanghai. Son of Henry K. and Sarah Stone. “Was chiefly engaged in exploration and surveying work in China, especially geological work.” Active member of the North China Branch of…

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HUMBOLDT, Alexander von

HUMBOLDT, Friedrich Wilhelm Heinrich Alexander von. Berlin 14.9.1769 — Berlin 6.5.1859. German Geographer and Explorer. Son of the Prussian Kammerherr and Major Alexander Georg von H. (1720–1779, his father Johannes Paul von H. had obtained the Prussian title of nobility in 1738) and Marie Elisabeth von Holwede (a widow, née von…

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HOERNLE, A. F. Rudolf

HOERNLE, Augustus Frederick Rudolf. Sikandra near Agra 19.10.1841 — Oxford 12.11.1918. British (of German background) Teacher and Indologist in India. Son of the missionary Christian Theophilus H. (1804–1882, translated the Gospels into Urdū) and Luise Mögling, born as British citizen. In 1848 he was sent to his grandparents in Germany…

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HERRMANN, Albert Ludwig. Hannover 20.1.1886 — Pilsen (Plzen in Czech) 19.4.1945. German Scholar of Historical Geography. Son of school director Konrad H. and Bertha Engelnord. After school in Lingen/Ems studied from 1904 at Göttingen, Ph.D. there 1910 (under H. Wagner). Worked as school-teacher until 1933. From 1923 PD at Berlin,…

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HEDIN, Sven Anders. Stockholm 19.2.1865 — Stockholm 26.11.1952. Swedish Explorer and Central Asian Scholar. Made several journeys of exploration to Iran, Central Asia and Tibet. Son of Stadsarchitekt Abraham Ludvig H. and Anna Berlin. Matriculated 1885 from Stockholm. In 1886-88 studied geology at Stockholm and Uppsala (M.A.). In 1889-90 studies…

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INOSTRANCEV, Konstantin Aleksandrovič

INOSTRANCEV, Konstantin Aleksandrovič. St.Petersburg 5(17).4.1876 — Leningrad end of December 1941. Russian Historian of Iran. Born in a noble family. Student of V. von Rosen. Graduated from St.Petersburg Oriental Faculty in 1899. Dr. istorii Vostoka 1908. Conservator of Ethnographic section of Russian Museum from 1902, from 1921 taught at Petrograd/Leningrad…

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(IMBAULT-)HUART, Marie Clément. Paris 15.2.1854 — Paris 30.12.1926. French Oriental Scholar. Son of an advocate. Started Arabic in the age of 14, then studied at É.P.H.É. and É.L.O.V. After a period (1875-78) as interpreter student in French consulate in Damascus he served nearly 20 years in Constantinople, in the end…

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HAUSSIG, Hans Wilhelm. Berlin 3.10.1916 — Berlin 27.4.1994. German Historian of Antiquity, Byzantium and Central Asia. Ph.D. 1939 Berlin. PD 1956 at F.U.Berlin, 1968 Professor there. From 1969 Professor of Byzantine, Near and Central Asian history at Ruhr-Universität Bochum, emeritus 1982. Now returned to Berlin and taught as Hon. Professor…

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HANSEN, Olaf. St.Petersburg 11.4.1902 — Kiel 10.1.1969. German Indo-Iranian, especially Middle Iranian Scholar. Professor in Berlin (West). Son of Gottlieb Olaf Albert Hansen, librarian of Imperial Academy, and Marie Rödder. In 1917 the family escaped to Baltic states and 1919 to Hamburg. Studied at Hamburg. Ph.D. there 1927 under Reichelt.…

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HAMBIS, Louis George Rémy. Ligugé (Vienne) 18.12.1906 — Paris 10.10.1978. French Central Asian Scholar. Professor in Paris. Son of an industrialist. In 1927-28 studies of history, but also under Pelliot, diplome of É.P.H.É. In 1942-47 Chargé de cours de mongol at É.L.O.V. In 1947-50 Administrateur of Centre d’études sinologiques de…

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