CLAWITER, Walter. 1923 — 23.11.1970. German Indologist. Ph.D. Göttingen 1958 (?) under Waldschmidt. Edited Turfan texts and assisted the manuscript catalogue and dictionary of the Turfan fragments in Göttingen in the 1960s. He died of hypertension before he had completed his habilitation and his mother Maria Cl. (1896–1980) established Walter-Clawiter-Preis…

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BOYER, Augustin-M.

BOYER, Augustin-M. Vannes (Morbihar, Brittany) 20.11.1850 — 2.1.1938. Abbé, S.J. French Indologist and Epigraphist, a Catholic Priest. Educated at the Collège diocésain de Nantes, at the age of 20 a Jesuit novice, first in Angers, then in Saint-Acheul. In addition to philosophy and theology studied mathematics with success. In 1884…

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BERNŠTAM, Aleksandr Natanovič

BERNŠTAM, Aleksandr Natanovič. Kerch (Kerč), Crimea 1.(14.)10.1910 — Leningrad 10.12.1956 (when 47). Russian Central Asian Archaeologist. Educated in Sevastopol. Graduated 1931 from Leningrad Inst. of History, Philology and Linguistics. Kand. ist. nauk 1935, Dr. ist. n. 1943. In 1932-35 naučnyj sotrudnik at Hermitage, 1934-56 at Academy of History of Material Culture.…

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BEREZOVSKIJ, Mihail Mihailovič

BEREZOVSKIJ, Mihail Mihajlovič. 1848 — St.Petersburg 5.4.1912. Russian Traveller in Central Asia. Born in a noble family, school in St.Petersburg. As young man involved in radical politics, but escaped punishments. Studied zoology at St.Petersburg. From 1876 repeatedly with Potanin in Mongolia, starting as zoologist and botanist, but gradually becoming also interested…

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BELLEW, Henry Walter

BELLEW, Henry Walter. Nusserabad (Nasirabad, Ajmer dt.) 30.8.1834 — Farnham Royal, Buckinghamshire 26.7.1892. British Physician and Orientalist (Pashto Scholar) in India. Son of Captain (later Major-general) Henry Walter B. of the Bengal army (killed in Afghan war 1842), educated at St. George’s Hospital, London. Served in the Crimean war and…

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BAILEY, Harold Walter

BAILEY, Harold Walter. Devizes, Wiltshire 16.12.1899 — 11.1.1996, Cambridge. Sir (1960). British Indo-Iranian Scholar, Famous Specialist of the Khotan Saka. Professor in Cambridge. Son of Frederic Charles Quinton B. (1869–1952) and Emma Jane Reichardt (1871–1962). Born in England, he moved with his parents in 1910 to start a farm in…

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ANDREAS, Friedrich Carl

ANDREAS, Friedrich Carl. Batavia (Jakarta) 14.4.1846 — Göttingen 3.10.1930. German Iranian Scholar. Professor in Göttingen. Born in Dutch East India as the son of a military physician with Armenian background and German mother, he was sent to Hamburg for school in the age of seven. Matriculated in Geneva. Studies of…

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AALTO, Pentti

AALTO, Pentti. Pori 22.7.1917 — Helsinki 30.11.1998. Finnish Classical Scholar, Linguist, Altaist and Indologist. Son of shop assistant Martti Johannes A. and Martta Elisabeth Lindroos. Matriculation from Porin lyseo in 1935, then studies of com­parative, oriental and classical philology at Helsinki University: M.A. 1939, Lic. Phil. 1949, Ph.D. 1949. During…

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