DUBEUX, J. Louis

DUBEUX, J. Louis. Lisbon, Portugal 2.11.1798 — Paris 4.10.1863. French Oriental Scholar. Professor in Paris. Son of a clerk of the French embassy in Lisbon, in 1808 the family returned with French troops from Portugal. From 1816 worked in Royal Library, in 1835-48 as conservateur adjoint. From 1848 Jaubert’s successor…

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CORDIER, Henri. New Orleans 8.8.1849 — Cairo, Egypt 16.3.1925. French Scholar of Asian History. Son of Erneste-Eugène C., a Savoyan working in the U.S.A. as businessman and banker, and Amélie-Henriette Oudin. In 1852 he came to France with his mother and was educated in Paris, also while his parents were…

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CABATON, Antoine

CABATON, Antoine. Nérondes (Cher) 11.12.1863 — Vannes, Brittany 25.11.1942. French Physician and a Scholar of South-East Asia and Indonesia. Grew up in Paris and Orléans. Studies of pharmacy, then, after military service (1884-86), of medicine (Dr.med.), also of Sanskrit at É.P.H.É. (Lévi) and Egyptology at École du Louvre. Worked in…

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BLOCH, Jules

BLOCH, Jules. Paris 1.5.1880 — Sèvres (Seine-et-Oise) 29.11.1953. French Indologist and Linguist. Professor in Paris. Son of a Jewish merchant, Salomon Bloch and Caroline Bernheimer. After Lycée Charlemagne, studied in Paris (Fac. des lettres, etc.) under Lévi and Meillet (also Gauthiot, Foucher and M. Mauss). Licencié ès lettres 1900, 1903…

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BARTHÉLEMY, Adrien Léon Nicolas. Paris 24.8.1859 — Emancé (Rambouillet) 18.12.1949. French Iranian and Arabic Scholar. Son of a confectioner, lost early his father. Studied at É.L.O.V. Arabic, Turkish, and Persian, at É.P.H.É. Sanskrit and Avestan (under Darmesteter), graduated 1884 with a thesis on the Pehlevi Gujastak Abalish. From 1884 served…

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