WESTMACOTT, Edward Vesey. Chastleton, Oxfordshire 1839 (or 1840?) — 1911. BritishCivil Servant in India. Son of Rev. Horatio W. (1806–1862) and Penelope Spencer Ruscombe. B.A. Oxford. Served in Bengal. Married 1874 Annie Mary Charlotte Richards (1850–1936), divorce 1898, three sons. Publications: Letter on the Identification of ancient towns in Bengal, ProcASB…

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RENNEL, James. Chudleigh, Devonshire 3.12.1742 — London 29.3.1830. British Colonial Officer and Geographer in India. Son of Captain John R. (of artillery), who died in action in 1747, and Anne Clarke. After mother’s new marriage brought up by Rev. Gilbert Burrington. Educated at Chudleigh (and as a schoolboy draw a…

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REINAUD, Joseph-Toussaint

REINAUD, Joseph-Toussaint. Lambesc (Bouches-du-Rhône, Provence) 4.12.1795 — Paris 14.5.1867. Abbé. French Oriental (Arabic and Persian) Scholar and Historian. Professor in Paris. After seminary in Aix-en-Provence studied theology from 1814 in Paris, where he soon became student of Silvestre de Sacy. As secretary of de Portalis he continued his studies in…

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PULLÈ, Francesco Lorenzo

PULLÈ, Francesco Lorenzo Ubaldo Cesare Francesco, conte di San Florian. Modena 17.5.1850 — Ebrusco near Brescia 22.8.1934. Italian Indologist. Professor in Padova, Pisa and Bologna. Son of Carlo Augusto Dionigi Pullè (1819–1898), an officer, and Virginia Ricci. Studies at Florence (De Gubernatis) and Berlin (Weber, also Mommsen and Kiepert). In…

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VIVIEN DE SAINT-MARTIN, Louis. Saint-Martin-de-Fontenay (Calvados) 22.5.1802 — Versailles 3.1.1897. French Scholar of Historical Geography. Born Louis Vivien, came to Paris in 1814. Worked as author and editor in Paris. Legion d’honneur 1867. He did not know Sanskrit and based his Vedic studies on Langlois’ insufficient translation. Publications: A number…

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MARKWART (Marquart), Josef

MARKWART, Josef (until 1922 Marquart). Reichenbach am Heuberg, Württemberg 9.12.1864 — Berlin 4/5.2.1930. German German Oriental Scholar. Professor in Berlin. Born in a Catholic peasant family, son of Anton M. (1834–1909) and Maria Magdalena Moser (1845–1909). Studies of Catholic theology at Tübingen, but soon Oriental languages (especially Arabic and Armenian),…

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MCCRINDLE, John Watson

MCCRINDLE, John Watson. near Maybole, South Ayrshire 16.2.1825 — Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex 16.7.1913. British (Scottish) Civil Servant and Classical Scholar in India. Son of John McCrindle and his wife Jannet. Educated in Maybole, studies at Edinburgh, graduated B.A. 1854 in classics (M.A. 1855). Worked as teacher of classical languages in three…

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LONGHENA, Mario. Parma 24.5.1876 — Bologna 25.2.1967. Italian Politician interested in India and Iran. Son of Paolo L., who as a Garibaldian had great economical difficulties. Studies at Bologna. Teacher (professor) in Agrigento, then at R. Ginnasio Marco Minghetti in Bologna. As socialist active in politics, he was forced to…

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KIRFEL, Willibald

KIRFEL, Willibald. Reifferscheid, Eifel 29.1.1885 — Bad Godesberg 16.10. 1964. German Indologist. Professor in Bonn. Son of Johann K., teacher in elementary school, and Anna Maria Huy. In 1904-08 studies of Oriental languages and Catholic theology at Bonn. Ph.D. 1908 Bonn (Jacobi). In 1911-21 Librarian in Bonn university library. From…

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KIESSLING, Max Hermann. Neuschönefeld near Leipzig 16.9.1877 — Munich 28.3.1946. German Classical Philologist, Historical Geographer and Iranian Scholar. Son of Hermann K., an estate owner. Gymnasium and studies in Leipzig, 1899-1900 in Berlin (under W. Sieglin). Ph.D. Leipzig 1900. Worked as Sieglin’s Assistant in Berlin. In 1910 moved to Rome…

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