EDGERTON, Franklin

EDGERTON, Franklin. Lemars, Iowa 24.7.1885 — Laramie, Wyoming 7.12.1963. U.S. Indologist. Professor in New Haven. Son of a civil servant, Charles Eugene E., and Annie Benedict White, his younger brothers were the lawyer Henry White E. (1888–1970) and the Egyptologist William Franklin E. (1893–1970). Though born in the West, the…

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DURING CASPERS, Elisabeth (Inez) C. L.

DURING CASPERS, Elisabeth (Inez) Christina Louisa. Amsterdam 1.9.1934 — Leiden 31.1.1996. Dutch Archaeologist of South Asia, Mesopotamia and Harappa Culture. Daughter of Engelbert Pieter D.C. and Elisabeth Christina Louisa Putnam. Studied Mesopotamian archaeology, then South Asian archaeology at Amsterdam. B.A., M.A. (both in Sumerian and in prehistoric archaeology) 1962 Amsterdam.…

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DUPONT, Pierre

DUPONT, Pierre. Paris 3.12.1908 — Bangkok 16.10.1955 (Auboyer: 31.12.1908–18.10.1955). French Archaeologist of South-East Asia (especially Cambodia). Professor in Paris. Studies of Indology, South-East Asian studies, art and archaeology in Paris under Lévi, Foucher, Picard and Stern, at É.P.H.É., Institut d’éthnologie and École du Louvre. Worked in Musée Guimet, in French…

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DUPEYTY-TRAHON, Jean-Ferdinand

DUPEYTY-TRAHON, Jean-Ferdinand. Claire-Fontaine (Seine-et-Oise) 30.3.1794 — 1836. French Indologist. Son of an officer, who had served in India under Haidar ‘Ali, became interested in India through his father’s reminiscences. After studies of medicine in Paris became in 1813 the physician of the 150th regiment, but felt unhappy in the army…

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DUMONT, Louis Charles Jean. Thessaloniki (Osman Empire) 11.8.1911 — Paris 19.11.1998. French Sociologist and Indologist. Son of a railway engineer, lost early his father. After restless youth (he left school when 18 and tried various odd jobs) he studied ethnology under Mauss. The plans of a doctorate about Celtic survivals…

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DIEHL, Carl Gustav

DIEHL, Carl Gustav Ruben. Malmö 21.9.1906 — Lund 1/2.5.1995. Swedish Lutheran Missionary, Bishop, and Scholar of South Indian Religion. Son of Anders Diehl, a house manager, and Emma Andersson, matriculated from Malmö in 1925. From 1925 studies of theology at Lund, teol.kand. 1929, ordained as priest in 1930. Missionary of…

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DEUSSEN, Paul Jakob. Oberdreis/Westerwald, Kr. Neuwied 7.1.1845 — Kiel 6.7.1919. German Indologist and Philosopher. Professor in Kiel. Son of Adam D., a minister, and Jakobine Ingelbach. Attended Gymnasium in Elberfeld and Landesschule in Pforta, where his classmate and future life-long friend Friedrich Nietzsche introduced him to Schopenhauer’s philosophy. In 1864-69…

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DE’ NOBILI, Roberto

DE’ NOBILI DE MONTEPULCIANO, Roberto (Robertus de Nobilibus, Tattuvapodagar [‑pōtakar]). Montepulciano near Siena 1577 — Mailapur (Chennai) 16.1.1656. S.J. Italian Missionary in South India. Born of a family of high nobility (related to the Duke of Modena), joined the S.J. in 1597. Studies of theology in Naples and Rome. In…

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DE GUBERNATIS, Angelo. Turin 7.4.1840 — Rome 26.12.1913. Count. Italian Indologist. Professor in Florence and Rome. Born in a noble family, son of Giambattista De G., a revenue official, and Maria Cleofe Turchetti; his brother was the diplomat and geographer Enrico De G. (1836–1914), his sister the educator Teresia De…

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DE FOREST (DeForest), Lockwood

DE FOREST (DeForest), Lockwood. New York City 23.6.1850 — Santa Barbara, Cal. 3.4.1932. U.S. Artist and Designer interested in Indian and Tibetan Art. Grew up in a wealthy family in New York, son of Henry Grant de Forest and Julia Mary Weeks. After studies in Rome he travelled in 1875-78…

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