BRUCE, John. Fife 1744/45 — Fife 16.4.1826. British (Scottish) Historian of the Colonial Period. Son of shipmaster Andrew Bruce and Jean Squyre. Studies at Edinburgh, then Professor of Logic and Moral Philosophy there. Historiographer of E.I.C. from 1801. In 1809-14 M.P. for Michell, Cornwall. Publications: Historical Views of Plans for the…

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PLAYFAIR, John. Benvie, Forfarshire 10.3.1748 — Burntisland, Fife 20.7.1819. British (Scottish) Scientist and Mathematician. Son of Rev. James Pl. and Margaret Young, educated at home. Studies at St.Andrews and Edinburgh, began with divinity, but turned to science. Worked as preacher and tutor, continuing his studies. From 1785 Professor of Mathematics…

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PIGGOTT, Stuart Ernest. Petersfield, Hampshire 28.5.1910 — 23.9.1996. British Archaeologist. Son of G. H. P. P., a teacher. After Churcher’s College worked from 1927 at Reading Museum, where he learned Neolithic pottery and soon evolved an archaeologist. Excavated several Wessex sites. Formal diplom only 1936 from London Institute of Archaeology (Wheeler). During the war…

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MURRAY, Alexander

MURRAY, Alexander. Dunkitterick, Kirkcudbrightshire 22.10.1775 — Edinburgh 15.4.1813. British (Scottish) Philologist and Oriental Scholar. Son of Robert Murray, a shepherd and farm labourer. Of modest origin, bur talented, he was admitted to Edinburgh University and thus became a priest. From 1812 Professor of Oriental Languages at Edinburgh University. Worked much…

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KEITH, Arthur Berriedale

KEITH, Arthur Berriedale. Portobello (Edinburgh) 5.4.1879 — Edinburgh 6.10. 1944. British (Scottish) Indologist and Scholar of Law. Professor in Edinburgh. Son of an advertiser, Davidson Keith, and Margaret Stobie Drysdale, educated at Royal High School. Studies at Edinburgh University (B.A. 1896, M.A. 189?), and from 1897 at Balliol College, Oxford…

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EGGELING, Hans Julius. Hecklingen bei Staßfurt (Harz) 12.7.1842 — Witten (Westfalen) 13.3.1918. German Indologist. Professor in Edinburgh. Son of landowner Sebastian E. (1808–1842) and Elisabeth Müller. After Gymnasium in Bernburg, studies of classical philology and Sanskrit at Breslau and Berlin. In Breslau he became acquainted with Rhys Davids (they were…

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COULSON, Michael

COULSON, Michael. 1936 — 1975. British Indologist. Educated at St.Paul’s School in London, studies at Trinity College, Oxford. D.Phil. 1966 Oxford. Then in 196?-72 Lecturer and Head of Sanskrit Department at University of Edinburgh. Paul Dundas was his student. Publications: Diss. manuscript 1966, publ. as A critical edition of the…

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CHILDE, V. Gordon

CHILDE, Vere Gordon. Sydney 14.4.1892 — Blackheath, NSW, Australia 19.10.1957. Australian Archaeologist and Historian in the U.K. Son of the Rev. Stephen Henry Childe and Harriet Gordon. Educated at Church of England Grammar School and Sydney University. In 1914 came to England and studied at Queen’s College in Oxford. B.Litt. 1916.…

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AUFRECHT, Simon Theodor. Leschnitz, Schlesien (now Leśnica, Poland) 7.1.1822 (1821?) — Bonn 3.4. 1907. German Indologist. Professor in Edinburgh and Bonn. Born in a Jewish merchant family, took later Christianity. Gymnasium in Oppeln, where he already became interested in Old German. In 1843 started the study of Classical Philology at…

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ALLAN, John. Longniddry or Bolton (both in East Lothian) 8.8.1884 — Edinburgh 26.8.1955. British (Scottish) Numismatician and Indologist. Son of John Gray Allan, a head master. Educated at Royal High School in Edinburgh and at the Universities of Edinburgh and Leipzig. From 1907 working in British Museum, in 1924-31 as Deputy…

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