VANDEN BERGHE, Louis. Oostnieuwkerke, West Flanders 24.12.1923 — Ghent 17.9.1993. Belgian Archaeologist and Iranian Scholar. Born in a Flemish family, educated at Roeselare College. Studies of archaeology and art history, then also Oriental languages at Ghent, Brussels, Amsterdam and Leiden. Ph.D. 1950 Ghent, then further studies in Teheran. From 1951…

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MICHEL, Charles

MICHEL, Charles Norbert Joseph Marie. 24.7.1853 — La Madeleine near Lille 21.12.1929. Belgian Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Son of Norbert Hubert Michel and Elise Castelein. Studies of Classics and Sanskrit at Louvain (Nève), and Paris (Bergaigne). Dr. en philosophie et lettres 1876 Louvain. Docent at Liège until 1885, in…

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LANGENHOVE, George van

LANGENHOVE, George Charles van. Lokeren, East Flanders 19.3.1892 — Ghent 14.7.1943 (when 51). Belgian Linguist (Anglist and Germanist). Educated in Amsterdam, studies at Ghent (mainly Germanic). M.A. 1919. Worked as teacher. Ph.D. 1925 (diss. on English). From 1926 taught at Ghent, from 1930 Ord. Professor of General, IE and Germanic…

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SCHARPÉ, Adriaan A. M.

SCHARPÉ, Adriaan Alberik Maria. Leuven 29.10.1913 — 7.3.1986. Belgian Indologist. Professor in Gent and Amsterdam. Son of Lodewijk (Louis) Sharp (1869–1935), Professor of German, and Esther Legein (1867–1922). Studies of Classics 1931-37 at Leuven, Ph.D. 1937/38, also studies 1934-39 at Utrecht, Ph.D. 1937 under Gonda. In 1939-42 schoolteacher of classics…

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WAGENER, Auguste

WAGENER, Auguste. Roermund (Netherlands) 8.6.1829 — Gand (Ghent) 14.5.1896. Belgian Classical Philologist. Professor in Ghent. Born in the Netherlands, son of Jan-Baptist W., a teacher of Luxemburgian origin, and Catherine Reuter, educated in Roermund. In 1845-49 studied at Bonn Classics (Ritschl) and Sanskrit (Lassen). Ph.D. 1849 Bonn. A second doctorate,…

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LA VALLÉE POUSSIN, Louis Étienne Marie de. Liège 1.1.1869 — Brussels 18.2.1938. Belgian Indologist, a specialist of Buddhism and History. Professor in Ghent. Son of a French father, Gustave de La V.P. (1829–1910), and Belgian mother, Marie Pauline de Monge (1845–1876), both of families with great scholarly interests. Educated in…

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DELEU, Jozef

DELEU, Jozef Albert Cornelius. Alveringem. West Flanders 17.11.1925 — Ghent 15.3.1994. Belgian Indologist. Studies at Ghent (B.A. 1948 in Germanic philology, Ph.D. 1957 under Scharpé) and in 1959 Hamburg (Schubring and Alsdorf). In 1949-58 teacher (leraar Germaanse talen) at Atheneum Kapellen, 1958-64 at Atheneum Kortrijk. From 1964 at Universiteit Ghent:…

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CUMONT, Franz Valéry Marie. Aalst 3.1.1868 — Brussels 20.8.1947. Belgian Scholar of Ancient Religions, History and Archaeology. Son of Florent C., a textile factory owner, and Maria Faider, educated in Brussels. Studies at Ghent, Ph.D. 1887. Then further studies at Bonn, Berlin, Vienna and Paris. From 1892 taught, from 1906…

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COUVREUR, Walter. Antwerpen 25.7.1914 — Edegem 17.9.1996. Belgian Linguist and Scholar of Tocharian. After school in Antwerpen studies at Leuven, also under Sieg at Göttingen. Ph.D. Leuven 1936 in Oriental languages and 1938 in Classics. In 1938-44 researcher of Nationaal Fonds van Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek in Brussels. From 1945 Docent at…

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COEMANS, Émile M. 18?? — 1???. Belgian Scholar. At Ghent University, the author of a Manuel de langue égyptienne. 1. Gand 1877 and an Assyriological article 1887. But no more is known of him (not mentioned in Dawson & Uphill). Publications: “Les croyances religieuses dans l’Inde antique”, Revue de Belgique…

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