SCHULZ, Friedrich Eduard

SCHULZ, Friedrich (Fritz) Eduard (Christoph Friedrich Ludwig Schulz). Darmstadt 12.7.1799 — Kurdistan, near Başkale fall 1829. German Oriental Scholar and Asian traveller. Son of cavalry officer Hermann Christian Schulz and Felicie Foerster. Studies at Giessen and Göttingen. Ph.D. 1820 Giessen. In 1822 PD and 1823 ao. Professor of Philosophy at…

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WALDE, Alois

WALDE, Alois. Innsbruck 30.11.1869 — Innsbruck (N.D.B., but Wikipedia & Prabook say Königsberg) 3.10.1924. Austrian IE and Classical Scholar. Son of merchant Ludwig Walde and Anna Filz, educated in Innsbruck. In 1888-92 studies of Classics and IE at Innsbruck, 1893-94 at Leipzig (Brugmann & Leskien), Ph.D. Innsbruck 1894 (under Stolz). PD…

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VULLERS, Johann August

VULLERS, Johann August. Bonn 23.10.1803 — Bonn 21.1.1880. German Oriental (Arabic and Persian) Scholar. Professor in Giessen. Born in a Roman Catholic family, son of cooper and wine merchant Johann Theodor Vullers and Margarethe Pützfeld. Educated in Bonn. From 1822 studied at Bonn Catholic Theology, philosophy (Windischmann) and soon also…

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HIRT, Herman(n)

HIRT, Herman(n) Alfred. Magdeburg 19.12.1865 — Giessen 12/20.9.1936. German IE scholar. Professor in Giessen. Son of the master carpenter Heinrich Hirt and Bertha Bollmann, educated in Magdeburg. Studies of Sanskrit and IE linguistics at Leipzig and Freiburg, under Brugmann, Leskien, Zarncke, Sievers and Windisch. Ph.D. 1889. Travelled in Lithuania and…

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DILLMANN, Christian Friedrich August. Illingen bei Maulbronn 25.4.1823 — Berlin 4.7.1894. German Semitic Scholar, famous Pioneer of Ethiopian Studies. Professor in Berlin. Son of Elias D., a school principal, and Christiana Louisa Wiemeg. Studied theology and philology at Tübingen, mainly under Ewald, but also Roth and Schleicher. Ph.D. 1846. Ordained…

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DELBRÜCK, Richard. Jena 14.7.1875 — Bonn 22.8.1957. German Archaeologist and Classical Scholar. Son of —> Berthold D. and Constance Kämptz. Ph.D. 1899 Bonn. PD 1903, Professor 1909, in 1911-15 Director of The Roman Branch of German Archaeological Institute, then worked for German War and Foreign Ministries. Professor ordin. of Classical Archaeology…

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BRADKE, Peter von

BRADKE, Peter von. St.Petersburg 27.6.1853 — Giessen 7.3.1897. German (Livonian) Indologist. Son of Georg Friedrich von Bradke (1796–1862), wirkl. Geheimrat and senator in St. Petersburg, of a German family of Livonian nobility, and Luise Lucie von Saß. After school in Dorpat (Tartu) studies of classical, German and comparative philology in…

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BARTHOLOMAE, Friedrich Christian Leonhard

BARTHOLOMAE, Friedrich Christian Leonhard. Forsthaus in Forstleithen bei Limmersdorf, Land­kreis Kulmbach 21.1.1855 — Langeoog, Ostfriesland 9.8.1925. German IE and Iranian Scholar. Professor in Münster, Giessen, and Heidelberg. Son of a forester (Oberforster) Leonhard B. (d. 1859) and Maria Friederike Aichinger. Gymnasium in Bayreuth. From 1872 studied IE, Indian and Iranian…

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