SALVIONI, Carlo. Bellinzona 3.3.1858— Milano 20.10.1920. Swiss Linguist in Italy. Professor in Milano. Son of Carno S., a printer, and Martina Borsa, educated in Lugano. Studies at Basel, soon changed medicine into linguistics and in 1878 went to Leipzig. Ph.D. 1883 there under Brugmann. In 1885-89 PD at Turin. In…

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PIZZAGALLI, Angelo Maria

PIZZAGALLI, Angelo Maria. Milano 6.6.1883 — Milano 8.9.1941. Italian Indologist. Greatgrandson of —> P. G. Maggi. Student of Formichi at Pisa. From 1913 PD of Sanskrit at Pisa. Professore incaricato di Sanscrito e Civiltà Indiana at Genoa, then at Milano. Also worked as schoolteacher of Greek and Latin. Studies on…

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PISANI, Vittore

PISANI, Vittore. Rome 23.2.1899 — Como 22.12.1990. Italian IE and Classical Scholar, also much interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Milano. From 1916 studied in Rome, but in 1917-18 participated in the WW I. Ph.D. 1921 Rome (diss. on the Helena of Euripides). From 1930 PD (libero docente) at Università di…

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GIUSSANI, Carlo. Milano 6.11.1840 — Milano 21.4.1900. Italian Indologist and Classical Scholar. Teacher in Milano. Son of Giovanni G. and Angela Carrera. Learned first Sanskrit and linguistics from Ascoli, then studies at Turin and Pisa. Student of Bardelli, graduated at Pisa in 1864. Further studies at Berlin (Weber), Erlangen (Spiegel)…

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BALLINI, Ambrogio

BALLINI, Ambrogio. Asola (near Mantova) 19.7.1879 — 20.3.1950. Italian Indologist, especially Jaina Scholar. Professor in Padua, Milano and Rome. Studied at the university of Bologna, interested soon in Sanskrit (under Formichi), but also acquainted himself with Greek and Latin. Further studies in Germany (at Bonn under Jacobi), at Padua (Teza)…

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ASCOLI, Graziadio Isaia

ASCOLI, Graziadio Isaia. Gorizia 16.7.1829 — Milano 21.1.1907. Italian (Jewish) Linguist. Professor in Milano. Born in a rich Jewish merchant family in Gorizia (Görz, then of Austria) as the son of Leone Flaminio A. (died early) and Elena Norsa. Never went to school, but was tutored by the famous Hebrew…

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