BUSLAEV, Fëdor Ivanovič

BUSLAEV, Fëdor Ivanovič. Kerensk (now Vadinsk in obl. Penza) 13.(25.)5.1818 — Ljubino near Moscow 31.7.(12.8.)1897. Russian IE and Slavonic Linguist. Educated in Kerensk and Penza. From 1834 studies of Russian linguistics at Moscow, magistr 1843. In 1838 travelled in Germany, Italy and France. In 1841-47 gymnasium teacher in Moscow, the…

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DJUVERNUA, Aleksandr Lvovič (Alexandre Duvernoy)

DJUVERNUA, Aleksandr Lvovič (Alexandre Duvernoy). Moscow 1840 — Moscow 16/28.3.1886.Russian Slavonic Linguist and Philologist. Born in a French family resident in Russia from 1810. After school in Moscow studied from 1855 law and history at Moscow University, but gradually switched to philology. Beside Slavic he was specially interested in Lithuanian, but…

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D’JAKOV, Aleksej Mihajlovič

D’JAKOV, Aleksej Mihajlovič (A. Diakov). Luganovo 5.(17.)2.1896 — Moscow 16.3.1974. Russian Historian. Son of M. A. D’jakov, grandnephew of M. A. Bakunin. Educated in Tver, studied medicine in 1913-14 at Moscow, 1914-19 at Tomsk, again at Moscow graduated in 1921. Worked in Tadzhikistan, from 1932 in Moscow teaching in various institutes,…

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ARENSKIJ, Pavel Antonovič

ARENSKIJ, Pavel Antonovič. Livny, Orlov gub. 1887 — 25.12.1941. Russian Indologist (Hindi Scholar). Son of a composer, A.S.A. Living in Moscow, after revolution joined the Red Army and worked in visual agitation in Smolensk. From 1921 at Oriental Institute in Moscow, from 1922 nayčnyj sotrudnik, 1923-25 teaching Hindustani. He was…

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ROERICH, Georg N. (Jurij Nikolaevič Rërih)

ROERICH, Georg N. (Jurij Nikolaevič Rërih, George Nicolas de Roerich). Okulovka, Valdajskij raion, obl. Novgorod 3.(16.)8.1902 — Moscow 21.5.1960. Russian Tibetologist, lived long time in India. Professor in Moscow. Son of —> N. K. Roerich and Elena Ivanovna Šapošnikova, grew up in St.Petersburg. When 15 began to study Egyptology and…

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TOL’STOV, Sergej Pavlovič

TOL’STOV, Sergej Pavlovič. St.Petersburg 12.(25.)1.1907 — Moscow 28.12.1976. Russian Archaeologist and Central Asian (Turkmenian) Scholar. Son of an officer, Pavel Sergeevič Tol’stov (1878–1916) and Maria Ivanovna Badaeva (1881–1924). Graduated 1930 from Moscow University, in history. Dr. ist. nauk & Professor 1943. In 1926-29 naučnyj sotrudnik in Moscow Museum and 1929-36…

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TJULJAEV, Semen Ivanovič

TJULJAEV, Semen Ivanovič. Moscow 6.(18.)8.1898 — Moscow 9.12.1993. Russian Art Historian. Son of an official. Graduated 1927 from Moscow University and 1931 from museum studies. In 1927-58 naučnyj sotrudnik (1943 staršij n. sotr.) at Near and Central Asian Department of Museum of Oriental Cultures, 1958-61 at Institut narodov Azii and then…

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PORZEZIŃSKI, Wiktor Jan (Russian Viktor Karlovič Poržezinskij). Moršansk (or Temnikovo), Russia 23.7.(4.8.)1870 — Warsaw 12.4.1929. Polish Baltic and IE Linguist. Born in a Roman Catholic noble family, son of Karel P., educated in Moscow. From 1892 studies at Moscow under Fortunatov. Dr. 1903. From 1895 or 1901 taught as PD…

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PETROV, Pavel Jakovlevič

PETROV, Pavel Jakovlevič. St.Petersburg 25.(7.)7.1814 — Moscow 7.(19.)9.1875. Russian Indologist and Arabic Scholar. Professor in Kazan and Moscow. Son of a poor schoolteacher, Jakov Osipovič Petrov, he was educated in St.Petersburg and Moscow and graduated (kand.) from Moscow University in 1832. Then he studied Oriental languages and Sanskrit (under Lenz)…

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PETERSON, Mihail Nikolaevič

PETERSON, Mihail Nikolaevič. Kerensk (now Vadinsk, Penzenskoj obl.) 22.9.(4.10.)1885 — Moscow 22.11.1962. Russian IE Linguist. Professor in Moscow. Son of Nikolaj Pavlovič Peterson (1844–1919), a teacher, educated in Ašhabad and Vernyj (Alma Ata). Studies at Moscow under Fortunate et al., graduated 1913. From 1916 Docent and from 1919 (or 1925?)…

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