GRAZIOSI, Paolo. Florence 2.11.1907 — Florence 1988. Italian Anthropologist and Archaeologist. Son of painter Giuseppe Gr. Studied from 1925 at Florence, graduated 1930. From 1936 taught at Università di Firenze, then as Professore di paletnologia e di antropologia in 1944-77 (ord. 1954). In 1939-53 also taught at Pisa. Participated in…

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TEZA, Emilio

TEZA, Emilio. Venice 14.9.1831 — Padua 28.3./30.4.1912. Italian Indologist. Pro­fes­sor in Pisa and Padua. Studies at Padova, then at Vienna Greek, Slavistics and Hungarian, also Sanskrit under Boller. Back in Italy worked as librarian in Marciana (Venice) and Laurenziana (Florence). In 1860-66 Professore di letterature moderne comparate at Bologna (taught…

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FORMICHI, Carlo. Naples 14.2.1871 — Rome 13.12.1943. Italian Indologist. Professor in Rome. Son of a stockbroker, mother of Greek origin. Studied at Naples law and letters (Indology under Kerbaker), laureatosi in Giurisprudenza 1891, in Lettere 1893. In 1894-95 taught at Ginnasio di Reggio di Calabria. In 1896-97 further studies of…

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CONIO, Caterina

CONIO, Caterina. Santo Stefano al Mare (Liguria) 1929 — Milano 1996. Italian Indologist. Daughter of a bank director, grew up in Florence. Graduated 1964 from Catholic University of Milano. Further studies at Banaras Hindu Uni­ver­sity (T. R. V. Murthy) and Münster (Hacker). From 1974 until death taught Indian religion and…

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BELLONI-FILIPPI, Ferdinando. Buti near Pisa 7/17.7.1877 — Florence 24.1. 1960. Italian Indologist. Professor in Florence and Pisa. A student of Pullé and Formichi, graduated in 1901 at Pisa. From 1904 libera docenza in filologia sanscrita at Pisa, taught 1905-09. In 1909 further studies of German and Sanskrit (Jacobi) at Bonn.…

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BARDELLI, Giuseppe

BARDELLI, Giuseppe. Branciolino, Pieve S. Stefano, Arezzo 10.4.1815 — Florence 2.10.1865. Abbate. Italian Indologist and Orientalist (Sinologist and Coptic Scholar). Professor at Pisa, one of the first pioneers of Indian studies in Italy. Tuscan, son of Michelangelo B. and Maria Gabrieli. Began his career as a priest after the seminary…

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