SCHELLER, Meinrad. Zürich 17.5.1921 — 24.4.1991. Swiss Sanskrit and IE Scholar. Professor in Zürich. Grew up in Zürich. Studies from 1940 at Zürich under M. Leumann, Pokorny and Risch, also in Paris. Ph.D. 1948 (under Leumann). Further studies 1949-51 in Paris, some time also at Prague. In 1951-54 worked for…

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SCHWYZER, Eduard. Zürich 15.2.1874 — Berlin 3.5.1943. Swiss IE Scholar in Germany. Professor in Zürich, Bonn and Berlin. Son of coppersmith Johann Eduard Schweizer and Sophie Ernst, grandnephew of —> Schweizer-Sidler. Educated in Zürich. Studies at Leipzig (Brugman, Leskien, Sievers, Windisch) and Zürich (Kaegi, Hitzig). Ph.D. 1898 Zürich. For…

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SCHWEIZER-SIDLER, Heinrich (originally H. Schweizer). Elgg, canton Zürich 12.9. 1815 — Zürich 30.3.1894. Swiss IE Scholar. Professor in Zürich. Son of the minister of Elgg, family from Zürich. He intended himself to become a priest, but at school became fascinated with classical languages. In 1835-38 studied classical philology at Zürich,…

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RISCH, Ernst

RISCH, Ernst. Moscow 9.10.1911 — Kilchberg, Zürich 1.9.1988. Swiss IE and Mycenaean Linguist. Professor in Zürich. Born in Russia in a Swiss family, son of Carl Theodor R. and Anna Mors. His father was commercial director of a cotton factory, when this was taken by the state the family moved…

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LEUMANN, Manu. Strassburg 6.10.1889 — Zürich 15.7.1977. Swiss Indo-Iranian Linguist and Classical Philologist. Son of —> Ernst Leumann (1859–1931) and Gertrud Siegemund. Matriculated from Protestant Gymnasium in Strassburg, studies at Strassburg, Göttingen and Berlin under F. C. Andreas, W. Schulze, Wackernagel, Wilamowitz-Möllendorf et al. Ph.D. 1914 Strassburg (under Thumb). Served…

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KAEGI, Adolf

KAEGI, Adolf (orig. Kägi). Holderbaum bei Bauma, Canton Zürich 30.9.1849 — Rüschlikon, Canton Zürich 14.2.1923. Swiss Indologist, IE and Classical Scholar. Professor in Zürich. Son of the elementary school teacher Johann Jakob K. and Elisabetha Kündig. After gymnasium in Zürich, in 1868-71 studied at Zürich classical philology (under K. Bursian,…

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HORSCH, Paul. Oberegg, Canton Appenzell 9.9.1925 — Mahabalipuram, India 27.12.1971. Swiss Indologist. Professor in Zürich. Son of Otto H., a chemist, educated 1932-42 at local school, 1941-43 at Appenzell Gymnasium and 1943-46 at Cantonal School in Zug. Studies of Indology, history of religion and philosophy at Fribourg (under Regamey) and…

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HIRZEL, Bernhard

HIRZEL, Bernhard. Enge near Zürich 12.8.1807 — Paris 6.6.1847. Swiss Indologist, Priest and Politician. Priest and Docent in Zürich. Son of Johannes H., a wealthy industrialist, and Margaretha Bürkli. Studied theology at Carolinum in Zürich, where he learnt well Hebrew and Arabic. In 1831 further studies at Berlin, where Bopp…

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JAHN, Wilhelm

JAHN, Wilhelm. Stettin (Szczecin) 7.4.1873 — 19??. German Indologist. Docent in Zürich. Son of a merchant, lost early his parents. After Gymnasium in Berlin and Wernigerode matriculated in 1893. Studied first art and literary history and philosophy, in 1895 at Berlin, 1895-97 at Marburg, 1897-98 at Rostock, and 1898-99 at…

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HAUSHEER, Jakob. Wollishofen bei Zürich 11.10.1865 — Zürich 7.5.1943. Swiss Orientalist. Son of Johann Kaspar H., a poor farmer, and Anna Barbara Weiss, educated in Zollikon and Zürich. Studied theology and Semitics at Zürich and Halle. Ordained priest 1888. Ph.D. 1889 Halle (under Thorbecke). Taught religion and Hebrew at schools…

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