BAREAU, André. Saint Maudé (Seine) 31.12.1921 — Paris 2.3.1993. French Buddho­logist. Professor in Paris. Son of an accountant. After undergraduate studies at E.N.S. worked as schoolteacher and now also began studies under Filliozat and Demiéville. Licence de philosophie 1946, diplom of É.P.H.É. Dr. ès lettres 1951. Worked at C.N.R.S.: 1942…

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BARDÓN Y GÓMEZ, Lázaro. Inicio 8.6.1810 — Madrid 9.6.1897. Spanish Priest and Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Born in the province of Léon. Priest from the seminary of Asturias interested early in classical languages, especially in Greek. Ph.D. 1852. Also an autodidact Sanskritist. Professor of Greek at the University of…

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BARDELLI, Giuseppe

BARDELLI, Giuseppe. Branciolino, Pieve S. Stefano, Arezzo 10.4.1815 — Florence 2.10.1865. Abbate. Italian Indologist and Orientalist (Sinologist and Coptic Scholar). Professor at Pisa, one of the first pioneers of Indian studies in Italy. Tuscan, son of Michelangelo B. and Maria Gabrieli. Began his career as a priest after the seminary…

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BARBOSA, Duarte. Lisbon c. 1480? — Cebu, Philippines 1.5.1521. Portuguese Traveller in the East. Son of Diogo B., a high servant of the Dukes of Bragança. He came to India as a young man, apparently with Cabral in 1500, stayed mainly in Kerala (with his uncle who was factor in…

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BARBORKA, Geoffrey Avery

BARBORKA, Geoffrey Avery. Chicago 6.9.1897 — 30.9.1982. U.S. Theosophist. Son of Vaclav B., a Theosophist with Czechoslovakian origin, grew up in Theosophical headquarters in Point Loma, California. High School and College there, graduated 1920, then studies at the local Theosophical University (B.A. 1929, M.A. 1935) beside working as journalist. In…

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BARATTI, Giuseppina

BARATTI, Giuseppina. 18?? — 19??. Italian, student of Kerbaker at Naples. One G.B. was born in Naples 1887 and was in the 1920s school professor of Latin and Italian in Santa Maria Capua Vetere. Publications: Translated: “L’episodio di Sanatsujâta esposto”, Mem. Accad. Napoli 2, 1911 (1913), 257-354. Sources: A. Perconte…

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BARANNIKOV, Aleksej Petrovič

BARANNIKOV, Aleksej Petrovič. Zolotonoša, Poltavskaja obl. 25.2. (9.3.)1890 — Leningrad (St.Petersburg) 4.9.1952. Russian (Ukrainian) Indologist. Son of a worker, graduated 1914 from Kiev University (learned Sanskrit from Knauer). In 1916-17 taught at Pedagocical Academy, 1919-20 at Pedagocical In­stitute in Samara, 1920 at Saratov University. In 1921-36 Teacher at St.Peters­burg /…

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BARADIJN, Badzar Baradinevič

BARADIJN, Badzar Baradinevič. v Mogojtuj Aginsk. ajmaka 16.6.(28.6.)1878 — 24.8.1937. Russian (Buryat) Buddhist, Tibetan and Mongolian scholar. Born in a herder family. Graduated 1905 at St.Petersburg. In 1905-07 further studies in Tibet. In 1908-17 taught at Oriental Faculty, St.Petersburg, then 1917-23 at intermediate school in Ulan-Ude. In 1923-35 chairman of…

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BAPTISTA, Manuel. 1??? — 1???. Franciscan Missionary in India in the 17th century. Apparently also an architect and worked in Daman. Censor of inquisition. Publications: Author of a Konkani catechism. Sources: Dahlmann 1891, 16; not in the old Franciscan Biobibliography.

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BANNERTH, Ernst. Eilenburg, Sachsen 13.10.1895 — Cairo 29.4.1976. German Urdu and Islamic Scholar and Catholic priest. Educated in Leipzig, 1913 became professional officer and 1916 sent to Near East. British war prisoner 1917-20 in India, then joined Benedictines and studied theology at Vienna. Ordained 1930. Dr.theol. 1941 Vienna. Worked as…

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