DOUGLAS, Gordon (Bhikkhu Asoka)

DOUGLAS, Gordon (Bhikkhu Asoka). 18?? — April 1900 (Payer) or 1905. British Bauddha. He was claimed to be the very first British who was ever (known to be) ordained as a Buddhist monk (W. Laurence Carroll as U Dhammaloka is earlier, see W. on him). The ordination took place in…

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DOROW, Wilhelm

DOROW, Wilhelm. Königsberg 22.3.1790 — Halle 16.12.1846. German Antiquarian Scholar. A precursor of Indian art history who, according to Mode, did not share the common contempt of Indian art of his times. Lost early his father, educated in Marienburg (Malbork in Poland). For a while studied at Königsberg. Moved 1811…

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DORN, Bernhard von

DORN, Johann Albrecht Bernhard (Boris Andreevič) von. Scheuerfeld bei Koburg 11.5.1805 — St.Petersburg 19.5.(31.5.)1881. German Oriental (Iranian) Scholar in Russia. Son of Heinrich Wilhelm D., a minister, and Susanna Friederike Bühl. Gymnasium in Coburg. Studies from 1822, first Theology, soon Oriental languages, at Halle and Leipzig. Ph.D. and PD (diss.…

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DONNER, Otto. Kokkola 15.12.1835 — Helsinki 17.9.1909. Finnish Indologist and Finno-Ugrian Linguist. Professor in Helsinki. Son of Andreas D., a wealthy businessman and shipowner in Kokkola in the west coast of Finland, and Olivia Matilda Dahlström. Matriculated in 1857 from Vaasa, then studied Finnish at Helsinki and passed his M.A.…

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DONATI, Girolamo

DONATI, Girolamo. Perugia 1857 — 19??. Italian Indologist. Student of De Gubernatis. For a while in Perugia (1885). Then libero docente di sanscrito at R. Istituto di Studi superiori di Firenze, from 1890 in charge of Sanskrit teaching when De Gubernatis moved to Rome. Also conservator of Museo Indiano in…

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DOMENICO DA FANO (Dominicus a Fano,lay Francesco Magnani). 1674 — 1728. Father. Italian Capuchin Missionary, in Tibet in 1706-11and 1716-25, with interval in Europe. He was the Head of the Capuchin Mission in Lhasa, until his death, when he was succeeded by —> Orazio Della Penna. Started the quarrel against…

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DODWELL, Henry Herbert

DODWELL, Henry Herbert. 1879 — Chertsey, Surrey 13.6.1946. British Historian. Educated in Thame, studies at St.John’s (Oxford), graduated 1908 and joined Indian Educational Service, retired 1922. In 1922-46 Professor of History and Culture of the British Dominions in Asia at S.O.A.S. Married 1908 Lily May Mason, four children. Publications: Dupleix…

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D’JAKONOVA, Natal’ja Vasil’evna

D’JAKONOVA, Natal’ja Vasil’evna. St.Petersburg 28.11.(11.12.)1907 — 1996. Russian Iranian scholar. Daughter of an official. Graduated 1930 from Leningrad. Kand. filol. nauk 1946. In 1931 naučnyj sotrudnik in Ukrainian Oriental Institute (?) in Harkov, in 1932-35 and 1942-45 at Oriental Institute of Soviet Academy, in 1935-42 and 1945-54 at Hermitage. Apparently…

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D’JAKONOV, Mihail Mihajlovič

D’JAKONOV, Mihail Mihajlovič. St.Petersburg 13.(26.)6.1907 — Moscow 8.6.1954. Russian Historian of the Ancient World. Son of an official. Grew up in Norway. Studies in Oslo (1924-26) and Leningrad, graduated 1930. Kand. ist. nauk 1937, Dr. ist. nauk 1946. In 1930-31 naučnyj sotrudnik at Samarkand Museum and Uzbek Academy Oriental Institute,…

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