HÛ, Fernand

HÛ, Fernand. 18?? — 1???. French Indologist (in preface he calls French “notre langue” and France “notre pays”). Apparently a student of Féer, whom he thanks. Publications: Translated in French, Le Dhammapada. 65+100 p. Bibl. or. elzévirienne 21.  P. 1878. Sources: Nothing found beyond the one book

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HROZNÝ, Bedřich

HROZNÝ, Bedřich (Friedrich Hr.). Lissa (now Lysá nad Labem) 6.5.1879 — Prague 12.12.1952. Czech Orientalist (Assyriologist and Hittite Scholar), attempted at Decipherment of Indus Script. Professor in Prague. Son of Václav Hr. (d. 1896), a Lutheran priest, and Anna Šimáčková. Educated in Prague and Köln (Kolín), now learnt Hebrew and…

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HROMOV, Al’bert Leonidovič

HROMOV, Al’bert Leonidovič. Novgorod 28.8.1930 — 20.4.1992. Russian Iranian Scholar. Son of a military official. Graduated from Moscow University in 1954. Kand. filol. nauk 1963, Dr. filol. nauk 1970. In 1962-70 Editor of the Tadzhik Academy Journal (Izvestija), also naučnyj sotrudnik of the Academy. Docent 1966, Professor 1972. A specialist…

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HOVELACQUE, Alexandre Abel. Paris 14.11.1843 — Paris 22.2.1896. French Iranian Scholar, Linguist and Anthropologist. Born of a family active in textile industry in Lille. Studied first law and took comparative grammar as an additional subject under H. Chavée. In 1869-77 editor of the Revue de linguistique. He became interested in anthropology…

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HOUTMAN, Frederick de

HOUTMAN, Frederick de. Gouda 1571 — Alkmaar 21.10.1627. Dutch Traveller. Son of Pieter Cornelisz de H., a brewer, and Agnes Frederiksd., younger brother of —> C. de H. and his companion in Lisbon and in Asian voyages. When the brother was killed he remained alive and was 26 months kept…

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HOUTMAN, Cornelis de

HOUTMAN, Cornelis de. Gouda 2.4.1565 —off Acheh 1.9.1599. Dutch Traveller in India. Son of Pieter Cornelisz de H., a brewer, and Agnes Frederiksd., elder brother of —> Fr. de H. With his brother remained in 1592-93 as merchant in Lisbon, spying on Asian trade for an Amsterdam company. They were…

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HOUSEHOLDER, Fred Walter (Jr.). Wichita Falls, Texas 1.2.1918 — Bloomington 4.1.1994. U.S. Linguist. Professor in Bloomington. Son of Fred W. H. Sr. and Myrtle Smith, grew up in Rhode Island and Massachusetts. Studies at University of Vermont (A.B. 1932) and Columbia University (A.M. 1934, Ph.D. 1941, diss. on Lucian). In…

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HOUGHTON, Herbert Pierrepont. Brooklyn, NY 22.1.1880 — Wellesley Hills, MA 11.5.1964. Rev. U.S. Classical Scholar interested in Sanskrit and Linguistics. Son of Joseph Goodhue H. and Sarah Pierrepont Edwards. B.A. 1901 and M.A. 1904 Amherst College. Ph.D. 1907 Johns Hopkins (diss. on Greek), also studied at Princeton. In 1908-15 President…

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HOSTEN, Henri. Ramscapelle, West Flanders 26.3.1873 — Brussels 16.4.1935. S.J. Father. Belgian Missionary Scholar in India. After Apostolic Church in Turnhout joined the Jesuit Order. Suspected of consumption he was in 1893 sent to Kandy to die there, but recovered quickly and started teacher’s work in Ceylon. In 1900 came…

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