HAMILTON, Robert Clifton

HAMILTON, Robert Clifton. 18?? — 19??. British Civil Servant in India. Served in India from 1893-1920. In 1900 he had been seven years Assistant Commissioner in Assam. Still living in 1932. He could well be the R. Cl. Hamilton of https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Page:Oxford_men_and_their_colleges.djvu/667, born in Bath 1872, studied at Oxford from 1891…

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HALL, Robert A., Jr.

HALL, Robert Anderson, Jr. (born William Durham Hall). Raleigh, NC 4.4.1911 — Ithaca, NY 2.12.1997. U.S. Linguist. Son of R.A.H. Senior and Lolabel House. In 1919 the family moved to New York and he went to school in Brooklyn. Studies at Princeton (B.A. 1931) and Chicago (M.A. 1935). D.Litt. 1934 Rome.…

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HÄUSLER, H. 18?? — 19??. Father. Benedictine, from Prague. In 1911 residing in Jerusalem. Publications: Wrote on Palestinian antiquity. – “Streiflichter in die Urreligion der arischen Inder”, Anthropos 6, 1911, 179-207. Sources: Scanty stray notes in Internet.

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HAENISCH, Erich. Berlin 27.8.1880 — Stuttgart 21.12.1966. German Sinologist and Mongolist. Professor. Son of an attorney, educated in Berlin. In 1899-1903 studied Chinese, Mongolian and Manchu at Berlin (W. Grube, also listened to Pischel and J. Oppert), Ph.D. 1904. In 1904-11 in China, teaching at military schools in Wuchang and…

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HADAWAY, William Snelling

HADAWAY, William Snelling. Maiden, MA 1872 — ?.10.1941. U.S. Artist in India. Son of Ephraim Locke H. and Helen Agnes Noyes. Trained at School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts University in Boston. Married 1893 Julia Peck, divorced 1895. In 1894-95 in Italy, then active in Boston art…

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HARKNESS, Henry. 17?? — Lympstone, Devon 17.8.1838. British Colonial Officer in South India. Captain (1826/34). Commanded the escort of Bishop —> Heber until Heber’s death in 1826. He collaborated with —> MacKenzie, edited Ram Raz’s posthumous Architecture of the Hindus (L. 1834) and worked as the secretary of College of…

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HUNT, Edmund Henderson

HUNT, Edmund Henderson. Kensington, London 23.11.1874 — Farnham, Surrey 15.12.1952. British Physician (Surgeon) in India, interested in Archaeology. Son of John Mortimer Hunt and Eliza Henderson. Studies at Oxford (Balliol College). M.D. Chief medical officer to the Nizam’s State Railway. Conducted excavations and collected porcelain. Returned to the U.K. in…

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HUDSON-WILLIAMS, Thomas. Caernarfon, Gwynedd 4.2.1873 — 12.4.1961. British (Welsh) Celtologist and Comparative Linguist. Professor in Bangor. Son of R. Williams. Educated in Bangor. Studies at University College of North Wales in Bangor (graduated 1894) and Greifswald (Zimmer). D.Litt. 1911 London. From 1896 Assistant Lecturer in French and German at Bangor,…

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HRKAL, Eduard

HRKAL, Eduard. 18?? — Vienna 11.8.1948. Czech Linguist. Called Professor (1939), probably at the gymnasium of Mariańské Lázně. Active as early as 1895 and 1910 (articles about the French dialect of Picardie). He suggested that Etruscan belongs to the “Turanian division of Ural-Altaic” and apparently invented Turkic etymologies for Etruscan…

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HOWORTH, Henry Hoyle. Lisbon 1.7.1842 — London 15.7.1923. Sir. British Barrister, Conservative Politician and amateur Historian and Geologist. Son of Henry H. (1817–1850), a British merchant residing in Portugal, and Elizabeth Beswick, educated at Rossall School in Lancashire. Called to the bar 1867 (Middle Temple), practised as lawyer in Manchester.…

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