KINDERSLEY, Nathaniel E.

KINDERSLEY, Nathaniel Edward. Great Yarmouth, Norfolk 2.2.1763 — Little Marlow, Buckinghamshire 16.2.1831. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Nathaniel K. (1732–1769), Colonel of Bengal Artillery, and Jemina Wicksted (1741–1809, travel writer). Served in Madras Presidency. Married 1786 in India Hannah Butterworth (1755–1814), eight children. His Specimens contain,, the first…

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KINCAID, Charles Augustus

KINCAID, Charles Augustus. Indore 8.2.1870 — Fulham, London 15.8.1954. British Civil Servant, Historian and Marathi Scholar in India. Son of —> General William K. (1831–1909) and Martha Pattie Shortt, educated at Sherborne School and Balliol College, Oxford. Passed I.C.S. examination 1889, arrived in India in 1891. In 1891-94 Assistant Collector…

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KILIAN, Klaus. Karlsruhe 27.2.1939 — Bonn 28.5.1992. German Archaeologist, excavated in Sri Lanka. Ph.D. Director of the “Kommission für Allgemeine und Vergleichende Archäologie (KAVA) des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts (DAI)” in Bonn. In 1976-82 led excavations at Tiryns and from 1987 in Sri Lanka in cooperation with S. Bandaranayake and the…

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KILGOUR, Robert. 29.4.1867 — 28.1.1942. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary and Nepali Scholar in India. Son of Robert K., educated in Glasgow. Studied theology at Glasgow University (M.A. 1886, B.D. 1889, D.D. 1909). In 1889-1909 missionary of Church of Scotland in Darjeeling. In 1909-32 Superintendent of Translating and Editorial Department of…

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KIESSLING, Max Hermann. Neuschönefeld near Leipzig 16.9.1877 — Munich 28.3.1946. German Classical Philologist, Historical Geographer and Iranian Scholar. Son of Hermann K., an estate owner. Gymnasium and studies in Leipzig, 1899-1900 in Berlin (under W. Sieglin). Ph.D. Leipzig 1900. Worked as Sieglin’s Assistant in Berlin. In 1910 moved to Rome…

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KIEPERT, Heinrich

KIEPERT, Heinrich. Berlin 31.7.1818 — Berlin 21.4.1899. German Geographer, Cartographer, and Historian of Geography. Professor in Berlin. Son of Samuel K. (1763–1836), a merchant, and Christiane Henriette Beer. Educated at Joachimsthaler Gymnasium (where A. Meineke was his teacher), became soon interested in ancient history and geog­raphy. From 1836 studies of…

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KIENLE, Richard von

KIENLE, Richard Karl Heinrich von. Tiengen/Waldshut, Oberrhein 9.2.1908 — Berlin (West) 18.5.1985. German IE Linguist. Professor in Berlin (West). PD 1934 at Heidelberg (under Güntert, then his Assistant). PD 1934 at Heidelberg, from 1940 nebenbeamt. ao. Professor there. From 1941-46 Professor at Hamburg, but in 1942-45 in army. After war worked as…

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KIELHORN, Lorenz Franz. Osnabrück 31.5.1840 — Göttingen 19.3.1908. German Indologist. Professor in Pune and Göttingen. Son of Johann Andreas Christian K., a stonemason, and Anna Marie Hildebrandt. After school in Bernburg (Anhalt) studies of Indology, etc. at Göttingen (Benfey), Breslau (Stenzler) and Berlin (Weber). Ph.D. 1861? Leipzig when 21. In…

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KIECKERS, Ernst. Barmen (now part of Wuppertal) 27.9.1882 — Munich 5.8.1938. German IE Linguist in Estonia. Professor in Tartu. Son of Ernst K., owner of a dyehouse, and Mathilde Kramer. After gymnasium in Barmen studies of IE linguistics in 1901-07 at Bonn, Munich and Marburg. Ph.D. 1907 Marburg, then further…

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KIBAT, Artur

KIBAT, Artur. Lyck, Ostpreussen (now Ełk, Poland) 8.10.1878 — 1960/61. German Teacher and former Student of Indology. Son of a postal secretary, lost early his father and was educated at Kgl. Waisenhaus zu Königsberg. After Gymnasium in Königsberg studied in 1898-1904 at Königsberg University modern languages and IE linguistics (under…

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