KRAUSE, Charlotta

KRAUSE, Charlotta. Halle 18.5.1895 — Gwalior 27.1.1980. German Indologist in India. Daughter of Hermann Kr., a merchant, and Anna. Matriculated 1914 from Dessau. From 1916 studied science at Marburg, soon also philosophy and history, at Leipzig, Tübingen and Berlin. Studies of Indology, German and linguistics at Tübingen (Garbe), then at…

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KRASNODEMBSKIJ, Valerij Evgen’evič

KRASNODEMBSKIJ, Valerij Evgen’evič. Kagul, Moldova 2.12.(15.12.)1907 — Penza 16.5.1942. Russian Indologist. Son of a lawyer. After studies at Odessa worked in Tashkent. From 1926 studied Indology at Leningrad. Graduated 1930 from Leningradskij Vostočnyj Institut. Docent 1935. In 1932-38 taught at Leningradskij Vostočnyj Institut and in 1934-42 at Leningrad University. In…

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KRAMRISCH, Stella (married Neményi). Nikolsburg (now Mikulov), Moravia 29.5.1898 — Malvern, Pa. 31.8.1993. Austrian Art Historian in India and the U.S.A. Professor in Calcutta and Philadelphia. Born in Moravia, daughter of Isidor Kr. The family moved to Vienna when she was eight or ten and she attended there classical gymnasium.…

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KRAHE, Hans. Ückendorf/Kr. Gelsenkirchen 7.2.1898 — Tübingen 25.6.1965. German IE Scholar. Professor in Würzburg, Heidelberg and Tübingen. Son of a merchant Friedrich Kr. and Mathilde Bertelmann. In 1915-18 served voluntary in the war, matriculated in 1919 in Gelsenkirchen. Studies of IE (under Sommer) and Romanistics at Jena. Ph.D. 1924 Jena.…

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KRAAY, Colin M.

KRAAY, Colin Mackennal. London-Hampstead 23.3.1918 — Oxford 27.1.1982. British Numismatician, interested in Greek and Indo-Greek Numismatics. Son of rubber merchant Caspar Alexander Kraay (of Dutch origin) and Henrietta Agnes Mackennal. After Lancing College studied from 1937 at Magdalen College, Oxford. In 1939 participated in excavations at Mycene. War service 1940-45…

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KOWALEWSKI, Józef Szczepan

KOWALEWSKI, Józef Szczepan (Joseph Etienne K., Russian Osip Mihajlovič Kovalevskij). Grodno (now Hrodna in Belarus) 9.1.1801(28.12.1800) — Warsaw 20.10.(7.11.)1878. Polish Mongolian and Buddhist Scholar in Russia. Professor in Kazan and Warsaw. Born in a polonized family apparently of Belarusian origin, exact birth-place seems to be uncertain (see Wikipedia). Son of…

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KOVÁŘ, Emanuel

KOVÁŘ, Emanuel. Vlašim, dt. Benešov 11.1.1861 — Prague 14.7.1898. Czech Linguist and Ethnograph. After gymnasium in Benešov from 1879 studies of modern languages and general linguistics at Prague, habilitation in general linguistics at Prague in 1886. In 1889-90 further studies at Leipzig and Berlin. Married. Publications: O škole mladogrammatické. 42…

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KOSSOVIČ, Kaetan Andreevič

KOSSOVIČ, Kaetan Andreevič. (Cajetan Kossovich). Polotsk (now Polack in Belarus) 2.(14.)5.1815 (or 1814, see Vigasin 2008, 94) — St.Petersburg 7.2.(26.1.)1883. (Bela-)Russian Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in St.Petersburg. Brother of —> Ignatij K. Son of a Belarusian priest, educated in Polock and at Vitebsk Gymnasium. In 1836-39 studied classical philology and philosophy (Plato) at…

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KOSSOVIČ, Ignatij Andreevič

KOSSOVIČ, Ignatij Andreevič. gub. Vitebsk, Belarus 1808 — 15.(27.)10.1878. (Bela-)Russian Philologist. Professor in Warsaw. Brother of —> Kaetan K., beside classical philology interested in Sanskrit. Studied theology at Vilnius (mag. theol. 1830) and classics at St.Petersburg (mag.filos.). In 1833-35 Professor of Greek at Belarusian Greek-Uniated Theological Seminary, then taught Greek…

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