LORRAIN, J. Herbert

LORRAIN, James Herbert (Mizo “Pu Buanga”). 6.2.1870 — London 8.1.1944. British (Scottish) Baptist Missionary in Assam. Grew up on South London where his father was postmaster. Worked as telegraphist in a post office, but left to India as missionary in 1890. With —> F. W. Savidge he arrived 1894 at…

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LORINSER, Carl Maria Franz. Berlin 12.3.1821 — Breslau 12.11.1893. German Catholic Theologian interested in Sanskrit. Born of a family originally coming from Bohemia, the only child of Karl Ignatius L., a physician. In 1825 the family moved to Oppeln, Upper Silesia (Opole in Poland). After school and gymnasium in Oppeln…

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LORIMER, J. Gordon

LORIMER, John Gordon. Glasgow 1870 — Bushire, Persia 8.2.1914. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Sonof Rev. Robert L. and Isabella Lockhart Robinson, brother of —> D.L.R.L. and others. Educated at High School of Dundee. Studies at Edinburgh University and Christ Church, Oxford. He joined the I.C.S. in the Pañjab…

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LORIMER, Emily Martha (née Overend). Dublin 1881 — Hatfield, Hertfordshire ?.6.1949. British (Anglo-Irish) Journalist, wife of —> D. L. R. Lorimer, participated in his travels and studies. Daughter of judge Thomas George Overend and Hannah Kingsbury. Studied modern languages at Trinity College, Dublin. She was a Germanist (studied 1907 at…

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LORIMER, David Lockhart Robertson. Dundee 24.12.1876 — Hatfield, Hertfordshire 25.2.1962. British (Scottish) Colonial Officer, Linguist and Indo-Iranian Scholar. Lieutenant-colonel. Son of Rev. Robert L. (1840–1925) and Isabella Lockhart Robinson (1849–1931), brother of —> J.G.L., —> F.M.G.L., Emilia H.L.L.,also of  Elizabeth Hilda Lockhart L. (1873–1954) and William Laughten L. (1885–1967), both…

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LORENTZ, Friedrich

LORENTZ, Friedrich Wilhelm Oloff Johannes. Güstrow 28.12.1870 — Zoppot (Sopot near Gdansk) 27.4.1937. German Slavist. Son of Friedrich L. and Luise Brunswig. Studied IE and Slavonic linguistics at Leipzig (under Brugmann and Leskien), Ph.D. 1894 there. Lived in Wismar, then in Karthaus (now Kartuzy, Poland) studying the local Kashubian language.…

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LORD, Henry

LORD, Henry. Oxfordshire 1563 (?) — 16??. British Clergyman in India. Matriculated from Magdalen Hall, Oxford, in 1580, apparently never graduated. Worked as curate. From 1625–29 chaplain of the British factory in Surat, and possibly remained little longer in India, returning in 1630. His later life and time of death…

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LOPES, David Mello

LOPES, David Mello. Nesperal, Castelo Branco 17.4.1867 — Lisbon 3.2.1942. Portuguese Historian of India. “Son of José Amaro Lopes, educated at Lisbon (Curso Superior de Letras) and at É.L.O.V. in Paris. Appointed, in 1895, Professor of the French Language at the Lyceum Central, in 1901, Professor of French Language and…

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LONGHURST, Albert Henry

LONGHURST, Albert Henry. Great Bookham, Surrey 1876 — 1955. British Archaeologist and Art Historian in India and Sri Lanka. Son of David Longhurst and Mary Ranger. Employed in A.S.I., in 1910-11 Superintendent of Western Circle, then of Southern Circle, in 1927-31 conducted excavations at Nagarjunakonda. In 1935-40 Archaeological Commissioner of…

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LONGHENA, Mario. Parma 24.5.1876 — Bologna 25.2.1967. Italian Politician interested in India and Iran. Son of Paolo L., who as a Garibaldian had great economical difficulties. Studies at Bologna. Teacher (professor) in Agrigento, then at R. Ginnasio Marco Minghetti in Bologna. As socialist active in politics, he was forced to…

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