SCHOTT, Wilhelm

SCHOTT, Wilhelm Christian. Mainz 3.9.1807 — Berlin 21.1.1889. German Fenno-Ugric and Central Asian Scholar, and Sinologist. Son of merchant Johann Wilhelm Schott and Elisabeth Wahl. Started as theology student at Giessen in 1819-21, but then switched to Oriental languages and studied them at Halle, first Arabic (Ph.D. 1823), soon also…

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SVETOVIDOVA, Irina Anatol’evna

SVETOVIDOVA, Irina Anatol’evna. Leningrad 3.8.1930 — 6.5.1968. Russian Indologist (Bengali scholar). Daughter of an official. Grew up in Leningrad (the family moved there in 1931), during WW II in Udmurtia. Graduated 1955 from Leningrad Oriental Faculty. In 1957-68 naučnyj sotrudnik at Leningrad Oriental Institute, in 1965-68 also taught at Oriental…

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STURTEVANT, Edgar Howard. Jacksonville, Ill. 7.3.1875 — Branford, CT 1.7.1952. U.S. IE and Hittite Scholar. Professor in New Haven. Son of Alfred Henry St. (1850–1930), a farmer, and Harriet Morse (1850–1923). After Indiana College in Jacksonville (it was founded by his grandfather) studies at Indiana University (A.B 1898) and University…

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STREITBERG, Wilhelm. Rüdesheim 23.2.1864 — Leipzig 19.8.1925. German IE Scholar. Professor in Munich and Leipzig. Son of Gustav Streitberg, later Amtsgerichtsrat, and Wilhelmine Pauli. Gymnasium in Wiesbaden. From 1884 studies of Germanistics and comp. IE linguistics, firstat Münster (under Jacobi), soon at Leipzig (Brugmann, Leskien, Windisch andZarncke). Ph.D. 1888 Leipzig.…

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SCRIBA, Karl. Winnweiler, Donnersbergkreis 26.3.1878 — 1914. German Student of Indology. Son of Philipp Scriba and Martha Sophia Eckenroth. Gymnasium in Darmstadt. Studied comparative philology, Oriental languages and German first at Munich, after two years at Berlin and finally at Würzburg. Ph.D. 1902 Würzburg (under Jolly). Publications: Diss. Die Fragmente des…

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STREHLY, Georges

STREHLY, Georges. Alkirch, Alsace 19.6.1851 — 1906. French Indologist, Translator of Sanskrit Literature. After school in Paris studied from 1870 at École Normale Supérieure, then also Indology, first under Regnaud at Lyon, then under Bergaigne at É.P.H.É. In 1874-79 teacher in Saint-Étienne and Lyon, then in Paris at Collège Rollin…

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SCHWARTZ, Christian Friedrich

SCHWARTZ, Christian Friedrich (Schwarz, in India also called Swartz). Sonnenburg, Prussia (now Slońsk in Poland) 22.10.1726 (or 8.10. or 26.10.) — Tanjore (Tañcāvūr) 13.2.1798. German Missionary in India. Son of Georg Schwartz, a baker master, and Margaret Gruner, lost early his mother. Educated in Sonnenburg and Küstrin, then studies at…

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SCHRÖTER, Friedrich Christian Gotthelf

SCHRÖTER, Friedrich Christian Gotthelf. 1786 — Titalya, Bihar 14.7.1820. German Missionary in India. Born in Saxony, was educated as a missionary by Johann Jaenicke in Berlin. Ordained Lutheran priest 1813. Went to England and in 1815 to Ceylon (Sri Lanka) to work for Church Missionary Society. In 1816 came from…

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STRATTON, Alfred William

STRATTON, Alfred William. Toronto 25.6.1866 — Gulmarg, Kashmir 23.8.1902 (when 38). Canadian Indologist in India. Graduated in 1887 from the University of Toronto. In 1887-92 taught classics at Hamilton Collegiate Institute. In 1892 began study of Sanskrit and IE at Johns Hopkins (Bloomfield). Fellow at Johns Hopkins 1893, taught Sanskrit…

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SCHWANBECK, Erwin Alexis. Falkenberg/Pommern (now Jastrzębniki in Poland)) 13.11.1821 — Köln 8.1.1850. German Classical Scholar and Indologist. Studied classical philology at Greifswald and from 1840 at Bonn, now also Indology. Worked as Mitredacteur of the Kölnische Zeitung. He published the editio princeps of Megasthenes’ fragments and started to work on…

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