COLLET, Charles

COLLET, Charles. 18?? — 1???. British Civil Servant in India. Sub-Collector in Malabar (1855), when his superior, H. V. Conolly, was murdered. Moved later to Madras and wrote the Reader there. One Ch. Collet wrote later some law books. Publications: The Malayalam Reader: A selection of original papers. 4+300 p.…

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BUTLIN, Raymond Thomas

BUTLIN, Raymond Thomas. Fishley, Middlesex 6.2.1907 — Knysma, Western Cape, South Africa 15.11.1990. British Phonetician. Son of Arthur Butlin and Mabel Griffin. Taught at S.O.A.S. From 1939 Sub-Director of Institute of English Studies in Athens. In the 1950s he was the head of British Council in Finland and died in South…

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WILLIAMS, Robert Hamilton Blair. Buckland, East Tilbury, Essex 21.8.1915 — 1975 (place and date not known). British Indologist. At S.O.A.S. in London. Son of Hamilton Blair Lee Williams. Graduated B.A. 1937 from S.O.A.S. in Indo-Aryan (under Turner). Assistant Keeper in India Office Library (Sanskrit, Pāli and Prākrit books) in 1939-46…

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RUDIN, Semën Gesselevič.

RUDIN, Semën Gesselevič. Leningrad 21.7.1929 — Leningrad 22.8.1973. Russian Indologist (Tamil Scholar). Son of a physician. In 1947-52 studied Indology in Leningrad. From 1955 until his death taught Indology at Leningrad. In 1966 one year in India studying the Nilghiri languages (Toda, Kota, Kurumba). Kand. filol. nauk 1968 Leningrad.…

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STEPHANUS A SANCTO PETRO ET PAULO (lay Antonio Buffi). Brescia 18.3.1692 — 8.5.1767. Father. Italian Carmelite Missionary in India. Joined the order in 1712, was sent to Malabar Mission 1720 and arrived at Verapoly 1721. Sent to Rome on a mission in 1723 he was caught by pirates and held…

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ŠMELHAUS, Stanislav

ŠMELHAUS, Stanislav. Karlín near Prague 17.11.1887 — 19??. Czechoslovakian Student of Indology. Studied at Charles University in Prague under Zubatý, Ph.D. there 1924/25. Probably he is that St. Šm. (Prague 17.11.1887 – Prague 20.9.1959) whom mentions as Professor of Odontology and Orientalist. Publications: Diss. O původu jazyka Malajálam a…

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PEET, Joseph

PEET, Joseph. Spitalfields, London 1.2.1801 — Mavelikara 11.8.1865. Rev. British Missionary in Kerala. Son of Benjamin Peet, a silk dyer, and Elizabeth Lafond. Apparently worked himself as dyer. From 1829 studies at Church Missionary College in Islington (London), ordained deacon 1831 and priest 1832 in London. Joined the Church Missionary…

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PAULINUS A SANCTO BARTHOLOMAEO (Fra. Paolino da S. Bartolomeo, lay Ivan/Johann Filip Vezdin [or Vesdin, not Verdin or Werdin]). Hof am Leithaberge (Cimov) 25.4.1748 — Rome 7.2.1806. Austrian (Croatian) Missionary and Pioneer of Indology. Carmelite missionary in Kerala 1776-89, then in Rome. Born in Niederösterreich as son of Jurje Vezdin and…

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LOGAN, William

LOGAN, William. Ferney Castle near Reston, Berwickshire 17.5.1841 — 1914. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Son of a farmer, educated at Musselburgh Academy. Studies at Edinburgh. In 1862 joined Madras Civil Service and served first in Arcot. In 1867 he was posted in Malabar. From 1876 Collector and Magistrate…

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LEYDEN, John Casper. Denholm, Cavers, Roxburghshire 8.9.1775 — Batavia (Jakarta) 28.8.1811 (or 10.9.?). British (Scottish) Physician and Orientalist, a Pioneer of South-East Asian Studies. Son of John Leyden, a shepherd, and Isabella Scott. He was educated at Kirktown parish school and Edinburgh University, learned Oriental languages already at home in Edinburgh…

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