MERVART, Aleksandr Mihailovič

MERVART, Aleksandr Mihailovič (Gustav-German Hristianovič M., born Gustav Hermann Christian Meerwarth). Mannheim (or Bruchsal) 1884 — Uhtpečlag 23.5.1932. Russian (German-born) Indologist (Tamil Scholar) and Ethnograph. Born in Germany, in Bruchsal (English Wikipedia) or rather Mannheim (all other sources).Studied at Heidelberg, Ph.D. 1907 (diss. on German history).From 1911 teacher of German in…

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MERLO, Pietro

MERLO, Pietro. Turin 15.11.1850 — Alpe di Chevignana near Castelveccana, Lombardy 13.10.1888. Italian IE scholar interested in Sanskrit. Professor in Pavia. Son of Clemente Merlo, a physician, and Benedetta Antonelli. After school in Turin from 1867 studies at Turin under Flechia. M.A. 1871. Worked as teacher in gymnasiums of Chieri,…

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MERKEL, Josef. Mainz 4.8.1788 — 1866. German Teacher and Librarian interested in Sanskrit. From 1810 teacher at Philosophisches Lehrinstitut in Aschaffenburg, from 1818 Professor at local Lyceum. From 1828 also Hofbibliothekar in Aschaffenburg. Retired in old age. Publications: Translated Colebrooke’s essay “On the vedas”, published as an appendix to Bopp’s…

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MERINGER, Rudolf. Vienna 9.3.1859 — Kroisbach bei Graz 14.2.1931. Austrian IE Scholar. Professor in Graz. Son of George M. (1817–1886), an entrepreneur, and Elisabeth Metka (1824–1877), educated in Vienna. In 1878-82 studies of Germanistics and Indogermanistics at Vienna. Ph.D. 1882 Vienna. Further studies at Berlin under J. Schmidt. From 1885…

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MENRAD, Joseph

MENRAD, Joseph. 22.3.1861 — 1929. German (Bavarian) Schoolteacher interested in Indology. School and also studies in Munich (Sanskrit and Classics). Ph.D. Teacher in gymnasiums in different places in Bavaria, in the 1890s in Burghausen, finally school director of Willibald-Gymnasium in Eichstätt (1921-26). He began the complete German translation of the Rāmāyaṇa,…

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MENANT, Joachim

MENANT, Joachim. Cherbourg 16.4.1820 — Paris 30.8.1899. French Assyriologist, with early interest in Iranian religion. Son of Joachim Menant and Amable Boissière, educated in Cherbourg. He became a lawyer (studies at Caen) and worked in administrative positions in different towns, finally from 1872 in Rouen, until retirement in 1890. Last…

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MEISEZAHL, Richard Othon

MEISEZAHL, Richard Othon. Weissenburg (now Wissembourg, Alsace) 16.8.1906 — Schladean, Sieg 27.4.1992. German (of Alsace) Tibetologist. For health reasons interrupted gymnasium in 1920 in Cologne, obtained practical education and worked in a merchant firm until 1940. Being on business in Paris in 1927-28 he started studies of Indology and Tibetology.…

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MEIER, Ernst

MEIER, Ernst Heinrich. Rusbend, Schaumburg-Lippe 17.5.1813 — Tübingen 2.3.1866. German Semitic Scholar interested in Sanskrit. Son of a teacher of village school. Gymnasium in Bückeburg, 1827–34. Studied theology and Oriental languages from 1834 first at Jena and Göttingen, in 1838 followed his teacher —> Ewaldto Tübingenand became his successor there,…

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MEADER, Clarence L.

MEADER, Clarence Linton. Battle Creek, Mich. 12.8.1868 — Garden Grove, CA 1.7.1967. U.S. Linguist interested in Sanskrit. Son of John Murray Meader and Maria A. Fredericks. Studies at University of Michigan: A.B. 1891, Ph.D. 1902. Further studies at American School in Athens in 1892, at Bonn in 1893, at Munich…

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MAYR, Aurel

MAYR, Aurel. Budapest 10.3.1845 — 9.4.1914. Hungarian Indologist. Professor in Budapest. Son of Thomas Aloysius Mayr (d. 1847), a pharmacist moved to Hungary from Kärnten, educated at Piarist gymnasium in Budapest. After law studies at Budapest turned to philology (Sanskrit) and continued his studies at Berlin (Weber) 1868-70, Tübingen (Roth)…

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