LEPSIUS, Richard

LEPSIUS, Karl Richard. Naumburg (Saale) 23.12.1810 — Berlin 10.7.1884. German Egyptologist and Linguist. Professor in Berlin. Son ofKarl Peter Lepsius (1775-1853), a judge and local historian, and Friederike Glaeser (1778–1819), in 1822 moved to Schulpforta, where he went to school. Studies of classical philology, archaeology, history and linguistics in 1829-30…

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LEONARD, G. S. 1??? — 1???. Probably British Civil servant in India. In 1878 in Saidpur. Connected with Leonard Theological College, a Methodist Institution in Jabalpur? But our man is styled Mr., not Rev., and there were other people of the name Leonard in India. In 1888 he withdraw from…

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LENZ, Robert

LENZ, Robert (Robert Hristianovič Lenc). Dorpat (Tartu) 23.1./4.2.1808 — St. Petersburg 30.7./11.8.1836. Russian (German from Estonia) Indologist. Son of Christian Lenz (1770–1817), the secretary of municipal council of Dorpat, and Luise Elisabeth Wolff (d. 1830), brother of the physicist Academician Heinrich Emil Lenz (1804–1865). After Gymnasium in Dorpat in 1820-24…

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LENTZ, Wolfgang

LENTZ, Otto Helmut Wolfgang. Hameln 23.2.1900 — Marburg 8.12.1986. German Iranian Scholar. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Dr. Alfred Lentz (1860–1911), director of girls’ Gymnasium in Hameln, and Katharina Gette. Educated in Hameln, matriculated 1917. In 1918-23 studies of IE and classical languages, later also Iranian and Indo-Aryan and Semitic…

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LE MESURIER, Cecil John Reginald. Cephalonia, Ionian Islands 7.2.1855? — 11.2.1932. British Colonial Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Cecil Brooke Le M. (1831–1913), an officer, and his Greek wife Nicolina, Contessa Zancarol (1839–1921, married 1854). In 1881 already in Ceylon. In 1896 dismissed from service on ground of…

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LELOUP DE CHERAY, François (Louis Leupol)

LELOUP DE CHERAY, François-Etienne (nom-de-plume Louis Leupol). Cheroy (Yonne) 1.4.1807 — Nancy (?) 1896. French Author and Indologist. In the 1850s and still in 1873 at Académie de Stanislas in Nancy. He collaborated with Ém. Burnouf preparing the first useful French manuals of Sanskrit. Their Reader mainly contains of pieces…

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LEITNER, Gottlieb Wilhelm

LEITNER, Gottlieb Wilhelm. Pest 14(17?).10.1840 — Bonn 22.3.1899. Austro-Hungarian Indologist and Anthropologist in the U.K. and India. Professor in Lahore. Son of Leopold Saphir, a physician, of Austrian Jewish family living in Hungary. Father died early and his mother, Marie Henriette Herzberg, remarried Johann Moritz Leitner (a Protestant Christian) and…

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LEHOT, Maurice

LEHOT, Maurice. 18?? — 5.3.1931. French Indologist. Studied at Lyon, among other things Indology under Lacôte. He worked as schoolteacher (Professor) at lycée in Aix-en-Provence (in 1920/29 there) and the work took most of his time so that he could only conclude his edition, chāyā and translation of the Ratnāvalī,…

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LEHMANN, Johannes Edvard. Copenhagen 19.8.1862 — Copenhagen 23.3.1930. Danish Scholar of Comparative and Iranian Religion. Professor in Lund (Sweden). Son of Heinrich L. (1815–1890), a medical Professor in a family of officials with German origin, and Signe Mackeprang (1819–1911). Matriculated in 1880 from Copenhagen, then studies of theology (under F.…

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LEHMANN, Erich Arno. Kaitz near Dresden 23.5.1901 — Halle 21.4.1984. German Missionary and Indologist (Tamil Scholar). Professor in Halle. Son of an insurance official, lost his father when 4. After Lutheran missionary seminary in Leipzig, in 1926–34 worked as a missionary teacher of Leipzig Mission at Shirkali in Tamilnadu and…

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