HETÉNYI-HEIDLBERG, Ernő (Ernest H., Láma Dharmakírti Padmavadzsra). Budapest 13.2.1912 — Budapest 17.9.1999. Hungarian Bauddha and Tibetologist. Son of the operetta composer Albert Hetényi-Heidelberg (1875–1951) and Erzsébet Brunner. He became interested in Buddhism, especially Lama Anagarika Govinda, and in 1951 founded the Buddhist society of Hungary and in 1956 the Alexander…

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HENRIQUES, Henrique (-quez, Anrique Anriquez, Aṇṭiṟīkku Aṭikaḷār). Vila Viçosa, Evora 1520 — Punnaikkayal 6.2.1600. S.J. Portuguese Priest and Missionary, in India 1546-1600. Rejected by Franciscans because of his Jewish background he studied Canonic Law at Coimbra and in 1545 joined the S.J. In 1546 ordained as a priest and sailed…

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HELTEN, Willem Lodewijk van

HELTEN, Willem Lodewijk van. Hedel (Gelderland) 30.8.1849 — ’s-Gravenhage 16.3.1917. Dutch Linguist. Educated in Leiden and Rotterdam. in 1865-71 studies at Leiden (probably learned Sanskrit from Kern). Ph.D. 1871 Leiden (diss. on Dutch). In 1870-82 school-teacher of Dutch in Tiele and Rotterdam. From 1882 Professor of Dutch language and literature…

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HEDBERG, Samuel Enoch (Enok). Bellö near Jönköping 19.9.1871 — Lund 17.4.1945 (1947?). Rev. Swedish Missionary in India. Son of Samuel Fredrik Olofsson and Anna Lena Olofsson. Went to India in 1905. Served Evangeliska Fosterlandsstiftelsen, then Alliansmissionen. After return in 1909 minister in Sweden. Dr.Phil. of an American university. Married 1905…

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HARTMANN, Hans Adolf Dietrich. Rüstringen bei Wilhelmshaven 18.11.1909 — 11.12.2000. German Linguist and Celtologist. Son of a policeman, Gustav H., and Johanna Theiken, educated in Jever. From 1928 studies of classics, Indology and IE at Marburg, 1930 to Berlin. Ph.D. 1933 Berlin (diss. on Russian). In 1937-39 studied Irish at…

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HARRISON, H. J. 1??? — 1???. Rev. Educated at Bishop’s College in Calcutta. In 1841 missionary in Barrioore near Calcutta, also studies at Bishop’s College. Around 1847 assisted as Catechist Rev. Driberg in founding the new Nurbudda Mission for the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel. One contemporary report…

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HARRIS, Henry. Mountrath, county Laois, Ireland 3.1.1758 — Madras 10.8.1822. British (Irish?) Physician in India. Son of John H. (1715–1776) and Sarah Deaves. M.D. Arrived in 1783 at Madras. Married 1786 in Madras Jane Charles, three sons and two daughters. His dictionary deals with the Dakhanī form of the language.…

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HARRIS, Mary Belle

HARRIS, Mary Belle. Factoryville, PA 19.8.1874 — Lewisburg, PA 22.2.1957. U.S. Administrator and former Student of Sanskrit. Daughter of John Howard Harris, a Baptist minister (then long tome President of Bucknell University), and Mary Elizabeth H. Mace, lost her mother when six. Educated at Keystone Academy, then studies at Bucknell…

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HALL, E. H. 18?? — 19??. British Library Worker. Grierson’s student and his Assistant in the L.S.I. from c. 1903 in London. Later he also assisted him with the Kāśmīrī dictionary. He worked in India Office Library (in 1935/40 as clerk under H. N. Randle). Publications: Prepared an unpublished inventory…

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HALLAM, Ebenezer Charles Bethlehem

HALLAM, Ebenezer Charles Bethlehem. Worcester 1.1.1833 — Lakemont, Yates County, NY 9.1.1915. British (Canadian) Missionary in India. Son of Samuel H. and Ana Chamberlin. Educated at King Edward’s Grammar School, Birmingham, and Kormal’ School, Toronto. Ordained Baptist Priest 1855. From 1857 worked in Orissa, in 1863-67 in America, then again…

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