SCHULZE, Wilhelm

SCHULZE, Wilhelm Emil Heinrich. Burgsteinfurt, Westfalen 15.12.1863 — Neu-Babelsberg (Berlin) 15.1.1935. German IE Scholar, founder of the Berlin School. Professor in Berlin. Son of Rudolf Schulze, a post employee, and Dina Denhardt. Educated at Arnoldinum in Burgsteinfurt, where he also learned Hebrew. From 1881 studies of classical philology, Germanistics, Indology,…

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SCHUBRING, Julius Hermann Wolfgang Walther (Walter). Lübeck 10.12.1881 — Hamburg 13.4.1969. German Indologist. Professor in Hamburg. Son of Julius Schubring, a classical scholar and the director of Realgymnasium Katharineum in Lübeck, and Anna Nagel, learnt classical languages at home and Sanskrit as a schoolboy. Matriculated in 1900 from Katharineum and…

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SCHROEDER, Leopold von

SCHROEDER, Leopold Alexander von. Dorpat (Tartu) 12.(24.)12.1851 — Vienna 8.2.1920. German (of Estonia) Indologist in Austria. Professor in Vienna. Son of school director Julius von Schroeder (1808–1888) and Leopoldine Marie Schrenck (1817–1895), the 7th child in a large family. Educated in Dorpat (Tartu), as a schoolboy started attending Leo Meyer’s…

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SCHRADER, Friedrich O.

SCHRADER, Friedrich Otto. Hamburg 19.3.1876 — Kiel 3.11.1961. German Indologist. Professor in Kiel. Son of a judge, educated in Hamburg. Following father’s wishes he worked in business in 1892-95, but continued then studies privately (matriculation 1897 from Hamburg). In 1897-1902 studied Indology at Göttingen (Kielhorn), Strassburg (Leumann) and Kiel. Ph.D.…

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SCHNEIDER, Ulrich. Peres, Kr. Borna (Sachsen) 2.4.1922 — 30.5.1992. German Indologist. Professor in Freiburg and Münster. In 1940 began studies of classics at Leipzig, soon switched to Indology under F. Weller, continued after long military service in navy. Now also took some Chinese and Japanese. Ph.D. 1950 Leipzig. Worked as…

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STEDE, William F.

STEDE, William F. (Wilhelm Friedrich Stede). 9.6.1882 — 5.7.1958. German Indologist in the U.K. University Teacher in London. Studies of Indology and comparative IE at Göttingen, Leipzig and Jena. Ph.D. 1913 Leipzig. Went to England and worked in 1908-11 as Assistant Lecturer of German, Gothic and Sanskrit at Liverpool University.…

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SUNESON, Carl Ivar. Stockholm 18.10.1941 — Stockholm 2.1.1995. Swedish Indologist. Son of Ivar Suneson (1887–1952) and Vilma Ek (1911–2002). Grew up in Stockholm. From 1960 studies of Indology under Lienhard at Stockholm University, in 1965-66 under V. Raghavan in Madras. Cand.phil. 1964, Lic.phil. 1966 Stockholm. Became blind in the late…

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SPIEGEL, Friedrich (von)

SPIEGEL, Ludwig Friedrich Ernst (1880 von Sp.). Kitzingen near Würzburg 11.7.1820 — Munich 15.12.1905. German Indo-Iranian Scholar. Professor in Erlangen. N.D.B. does not know the first names of his parents, but his father was a Rentamtmann and died in 1830, mother née Dorsch. Matriculated from Ansbach, began 1839 studies of…

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SNYDER, Edmund N.

SNYDER, Edmund Nathaniel. St.Louis, MO 25.3.1863 — Cleveland 1.10.1896. U.S. Student of Indology. Son of Joseph B. Snyder (1832–1915) and Christine Chiron (1839–1919), educated in Cleveland, Ohio. From 1882 studied classics at Harvard (A.B. 1886). From 1888 studied Indology (Weber) and comparative linguistics at Berlin. In 1890 taught one year…

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SMITH, May. 18?? — 19??. Britishwoman interested in Pāli. With meagre data she is doomed to remain mere name, but she could perhaps be, taken Rhys Davids’s interest in psychology and the common connection with Manchester, the same May Smith (1879–1968) who was known as industrial psychologist and is presented…

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