OLSCHAK, Blanche Christine

OLSCHAK, Blanche Christine. Vienna 24.7.1913 — Zürich 25.6.1989. Austrian Journalist and Tibetan Scholar in Switzerland. Daughter of Joseph Olschak, an officer (General-Major), and Lilly Helene Bücheler. Studied Political Science at Graz (Ph.D. 1937), then Tibetan and Buddhism, a follower of A. David-Neel. From 1946 living in Zürich (after her husband…

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OL’DENBURG, Sergeij Fedorovič

OL’DENBURG, Sergej Fëdorovič (Serge d’Oldenbourg). Bjankino, Zabajkal’skoj obl. (now Tšita obl., Nerčinskij raion) 14.(26.)9.1863 — Leningrad 28.2.1934. Russian Indologist and Art Historian. Professor and Academician in St.Petersburg/Leningrad. Son of Fëdor Fëdorovič O. (1827–1877), an officer, of Livonian nobility, and Nadežda Fëdorovna Berg (von Berg, 1833–1909). Matriculated in 1881, he was…

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OBERMILLER, Evgenij Evgen’evič

OBERMILLER, Evgenij Evgen’evič. Petergof (Petrodvorec) 29.10.1901 — Leningrad 3.6.1935. Russian Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Dr. 1935. Worked in Petrograd/Leningrad. Son of an official. He lost early his parents and lived with his aunts, who taught him music and Western languages. Matriculated from classical gymnasium in 1918, he started studies at…

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NOBEL, Johannes

NOBEL, Julius Adolf Johannes. Forst/Lausitz 25.6.1887 — Wehrda bei Marburg 22.10.1960. German Indologist and Buddhist Scholar. Professor in Marburg. Son of a clerc, Oskar Nobel, and Elisabeth Teichert. Educated in Fulda, became early interested in Latin, Greek and Hebrew. The parents wished of him a Roman Catholic priest, but in…

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NEBESKY-WOJKOWITZ, René Mario von. Velké Hoštice (Gross Hochschütz) Moravia 29.6.1923 — Vienna 9.7.1959. Czech Anthropologist and Tibetologist in Austria. Son of Gottlieb N. von W., an officer of Czech army, and Emmy Lorenz. After school in Olomouc and gymnasium in Litoměřice (Leitmeritz) studied at Prague, Berlin and Vienna (Bleichsteiner) Tibetan,…

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MUS, Paul

MUS, Paul Léon Joseph. Bourges (Cher) 1.6.1902 — Murs (Vaucluse) 9.8.1969. French Art Historian, Sociologist and Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of a protestant couple of teachers, in 1907 the family moved to Vietnam (English Wikipedia Hanoi, French Saigon). Studies in Paris under Lévi, Mauss, Pelliot, etc., of Sanskrit, Chinese,…

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MEISEZAHL, Richard Othon

MEISEZAHL, Richard Othon. Weissenburg (now Wissembourg, Alsace) 16.8.1906 — Schladean, Sieg 27.4.1992. German (of Alsace) Tibetologist. For health reasons interrupted gymnasium in 1920 in Cologne, obtained practical education and worked in a merchant firm until 1940. Being on business in Paris in 1927-28 he started studies of Indology and Tibetology.…

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MARX, Karl

MARX, Karl Rudolf. Niesky, Eastern Saxony 1857 — Leh 29.5.1891. German Missionary Physician, Tibetologist and Historian in Ladakh. Dr.med., specialising on ophthalmology. Missionary of the Moravian Mission in Ladakh (Leh) from 1887. An early scholar of the history and archaeology of Ladakh and the teacher of A. H. Francke. Married.…

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MARSHMAN, Joshua. Westburg Leigh, Wiltshire 20.4.1768 — Serampur 5.12.1837. British Missionary and Pioneer of Indology in India. Son of John Marshman, a weaver, and Mary Couzener, educated at the village school of Westbury Leigh. Apprenticed to a bookseller he read extensively. In 1794-99 Master of a Baptist school in Bristol,…

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MANEN, Johan van

MANEN, Mari Albert Johan van. Nijmegen 16.4.1877 — Calcutta 17.4.1943. Dutch Librarian and Theosophist in India. Son of Reinier Otto van Manen, an engineer in state service, and Maria Albertina Johanna van Tricht, grew up in Zutphen and Haarlem. After a chequered youth, more interested in art and politics than…

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