BELL, Charles Alfred

BELL, Charles Alfred. Calcutta 31.10.1870 — Oak Bay, Victoria, B.C. 8.3.1945. Sir. British Tibetan Scholar, Traveller, and Civil Servant in India. Born as a son of a civil servant (in India) Henry B., educated at Winchester and Oxford (New College). In 1891 joined Indian service in Bengal. In 1900 started learning…

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BECKH, Hermann

BECKH, Christoph Eugen Hermann. Nürnberg 4.5.1875 — Stuttgart 1.3.1937. German Indologist and Tibetan Scholar, later turned into Anthroposophist Priest. Son of a factory owner, Eugen B., and Marie Seiler, studied economy and law at the Maximilianeum of Munich until 1896 and worked as assessor, but was soon frustrated with law…

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BARUCH, Willy. Herford, Kr. Detmold 1900 — Montfavet, Avignon ?.3.1954. German Indologist, Sinologist, Buddhist and Central Asian Scholar. Born of a Jewish family in Westfalen. Studies at Berlin and Leipzig, student of Lüders and F. Weller, then of Kirfel at Bonn. Ph.D. 1937 Bonn. Leaving Germany he was living in…

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BARADIJN, Badzar Baradinevič

BARADIJN, Badzar Baradinevič. v Mogojtuj Aginsk. ajmaka 16.6.(28.6.)1878 — 24.8.1937. Russian (Buryat) Buddhist, Tibetan and Mongolian scholar. Born in a herder family. Graduated 1905 at St.Petersburg. In 1905-07 further studies in Tibet. In 1908-17 taught at Oriental Faculty, St.Petersburg, then 1917-23 at intermediate school in Ulan-Ude. In 1923-35 chairman of…

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BACOT, Jacques

BACOT, Jacques. St.-Germain-en-Laye (Indre) 4.7.1877 — Paris 25.6.1965. French Traveller and Tibetologist. Born in a family of cloth merchants, son of Raymond B. and Marie Louise Bapterosses. With father and grand­father, who were experienced travellers, he himself made a journey round the world in 1904. In 1907 he conducted his…

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AZEVEDO, Francisco de

AZEVEDO, Francisco de. Lisbon 1578 — Goa 12.8.1660. S.J. Portuguese Missionary in India and Tibet. Came to India as a boy and never returned. Joined S.J. in Goa, when 19. After studies served at Diu (1614) and Rachol, from 1620 Visitor of Monomotapa Mission in South Africa. In 1627 joined…

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ARIS, Michael Vaillancourt

ARIS, Michael Vaillancourt. Havana, Cuba 7.3.1946 — Oxford 27.3.1999. British Tibetan Scholar, Specialist of Bhutan. Son of English father (John A.) and Canadian French mother (Josette Vaillancourt), one of twins (brother Anthony A.). B.A. 1967 Durham. In 1967–73 private tutor of royal children of Bhutan. PG studies at S.O.A.S. in…

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AMUNDSEN, Edward (Norwegian Edvard A.). Kirkeholmen, Vestre Kragerø 27.1.1873 — Larvik 21.11.1928. Norwegian Missionary and Tibetan Scholar. Born in a strictly religious home he decided early to become a missionary. After being ordained in 1893, he went to England and joined the new Tibetan Pioneer Mission. He went soon to…

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ABEGG, Emil. Küsnacht near Zürich 11.1.1885 — Zürich 12.2.1962. Swiss Indo­logist. Professor in Zürich. Son of merchant Emil A. (d. 1894) and Fanny Guggenbühl, school and teacher’s college in Küsnacht. Learned Sanskrit first by himself, then from 1904 studied Germanistics, psycho­logy, Arabic, Persian and Sanskrit (under Kaegi) at Zürich Uni­versity.…

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AALTO, Pentti

AALTO, Pentti. Pori 22.7.1917 — Helsinki 30.11.1998. Finnish Classical Scholar, Linguist, Altaist and Indologist. Son of shop assistant Martti Johannes A. and Martta Elisabeth Lindroos. Matriculation from Porin lyseo in 1935, then studies of com­parative, oriental and classical philology at Helsinki University: M.A. 1939, Lic. Phil. 1949, Ph.D. 1949. During…

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