SCHMIDT, Isaak Jakob

SCHMIDT, Isaak Jakob (Jakov Ivanovič Šmidt). Amsterdam 14.10.1779 — St.Petersburg 27.8.(8.9.)1847. Dutch-born Central Asian Scholar in Russia. Academician in St. Petersburg. It is said that he was born in the Netherlands in a German (Moravian) merchant family, but Le Calloch points out that his father Johannes (Jan) Schmidt was born…

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SCHLAGINTWEIT, Emil. Munich 7.7.1835 — Zweibrücken 20.10.1904. German Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Son of oculist physician Joseph Schl. (1792–1854) and Rosalia Seidl (1805–1839), younger brother of —> Adolf, Hermann, and Robert Schl. A fifth brother was Eduard Schl. (1831–1866), an officer and explorer of Morocco. After the early death of…

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SCHILLING VON CANSTADT, Paul, Freiherr (Pavel Lvovič, Baron)

SCHILLING VON CANSTADT, Paul Ludwig, Freiherr (Cannstatt, Russian Pavel Lvovič Šilling fon Kanštadt, Baron). Real (Tallinn) 5.(16.)4.1786 — St.Petersburg 25.7.(6.8.)1837. Russian (German of Estonia) Officer, Diplomat, and Lay Sinologist also interested in Tibetan, and in Physics. Son of an officer, Ludwig Joseph Ferdinand Sch., of old Swabian noble family, spent…

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SCHIEFNER, F. Anton (A. A. Šifner)

SCHIEFNER, Franz Anton von (Anton Antonovič Šifner). Reval (Tallinn) 6.(18.)7.1817 — St. Petersburg 4.(16.)11.1879. Russian (German of Estonia) Indologist and Tibetan Scholar. Academician in St.Petersburg. Son of Franz Schiefner (1774–1848), a glass merchant who had moved to Estonia from Bohemia, and Christiane Schneider. After school in Reval began in 1836 studies of…

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SCHAYER, Stanisław

SCHAYER, Stanisław. Sędziszów, Malopolski 8.5.1899 — Otwock near Warsaw 1.12.1941. Polish Indologist. Professor in Warsaw. Son of Antoni and Maria Schayer. From 1916 studies at Warsaw, then soon philosophy and Indology at Heidelberg (under Liebich and Walleser) and Freiburg i.Br. (E. Leumann, Husserl). Ph.D. 1921 Freiburg. Further studies at Munich…

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ŠČERBATSKOJ, Fëdor Ippolitovič (Theodor Scherbatskoy)

ŠČERBATSKOJ, Fëdor Ippolitovič (Theodor Scherbatskoy). Kielce, Poland 19.9.(1.10.)1866 — Borovoe, Kazakhstan 18.3.1942. Russian Indologist, specialist of Buddhist Philosophy. The name is somewhat problematic, but according to Russian colleagues (Vasil’kov) -koj (instead of -kij) seems well attested. Born in the then Russian part of Poland where his father, Ippolit Fëdorovič Šč.…

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WYLIE, Turrell V.

WYLIE, Turrell Verl (“Terry”, also called Ellwyn Turrell Wylie). Durango, Colorado 20.8.1927 — Seattle 25.8.1984. U.S. Tibetologist. Professor in Seattle. Graduated B.A. in 1952 at University of Washington, Ph.D. 1958 there in Chinese Language and Literature. As student also visiting scholar in Rome, studied under Tucci. From 1958 taught at…

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WOLFENDEN, Stuart N. 1889 — 28.12.1938 (when 47). U.S. Tibeto-Burman Linguist. At University of California, Berkeley. Wolfenden was one of the pioneers of  comparative Tibeto-Burman linguistics. Publications: Outlines of Tibeto-Burman Linguistic Morphology with special reference to the prefixes, infixes and suffixes of classical Tibetan and the languages of the Kachin, Bodo,…

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WENZEL, Heinrich

WENZEL, Heinrich Christian Ferdinand. Mainz 7.6.1855 — London 16.6. 1893. German Indologist and Tibetan Scholar in England. Son of Karl August Wenzel (1820–1894), a physician, and Amalia Ida Gabriele Michel. Educated in Mainz, matriculated 1874. Studies at Jena, Leipzig and Tübingen. Ph.D. 1879 Tübingen (under Roth). Further studies at Strassburg…

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WELLER, Friedrich

WELLER, Friedrich. Markneukirchen, Vogtland 22.7.1889 — Leipzig 19.11.1980. German Indologist. Professor in Leipzig. The only child of Friedrich Wilhelm Weller (1854-1944), a violin maker, and Marie Wettengel (1860-1953). Educated at local village school and from 1901 at Realgymnasium in Plauen. From 1909 studied at Leipzig, first Romance and Germanic philology,…

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