HEROLD, Erich. Prague 3.1.1928 — Prague 7.12.1988. Czechoslovakian Ethnologist and Indologist. Museum Director in Prague. From 1947 studies of Indology at Prague (under Friš and Lesný), Ph.D. there in 1952/53. In 1957 visited India. He became director of Náprstek Museum, worked there in 1959-70 and now turned to folk art. From 1971…

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HENRY, Victor

HENRY, Victor. Colmar, Alsace 17.8.1850 — Paris 6.2.1907. French Indologist. Professor in Paris. Son of Édouard H. (d. 1856), teacher at Colmar collège, and Joséphine Grante, educated by his uncle Victor H. (d. 1864), also a teacher. Studied law at Strasbourg (licencié 1869) and Dijon (dr. 1872). Planning a career…

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JOHANSSON, Karl Ferdinand

JOHANSSON, Karl Ferdinand. Misterhult, Kalmar län 16.9.1860 — Uppsala 9.12.1926. Swedish Indologist. Professor in Uppsala. Son of Johan Erik Magnusson, a tenant farmer, and his wife Anna Lovisa Karlsdotter. Educated in Linköping, matriculated 1880. From 1880 studies of classics at Uppsala, under O. A. Danielsson and Per Persson, both also…

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JENSEN, Theodor Valdemar. Kolding 18.3.1876 — 19??. Danish Librarian and Linguist. Son of restaurateur Laurids Christian Jensen and Henriette Dorothea Luth. After school in Kolding studies from 1895 at Copenhagen (German, English, Latin). M.A. From 1905 worked in Kongelige Bibliotek in Copenhagen, 1925 Librarian. Married 1916 Karen Caroline Bast. Publications:…

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JANERT, Klaus L.

JANERT, Klaus Ludwig. Wittenberg 19.3.1922 — 10.12.1994. German Indologist. Professor in Cologne. Studied Indology, Tamil, IE and Slavic linguistics at Halle (under Thieme) and Göttingen, where Ph.D. 1954. Worked in Göttingen University Library. In 1962-63 PD at Tübingen, then from 1963 ord. Professor of Indology at Köln. Retired in 1987.…

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JACOBI, Hermann

JACOBI, Hermann Georg. Köln 11.2.1850 (or 1.2.?) — Bonn 19.10.1937. German Indologist. Professor in Bonn. Son of a steam mill owner, Friedrich Heinrich Otto J. (1803–1880) and Caroline Zeiz. Roman Catholic, educated in Köln. From 1868 studies of mathematics at Berlin, switched soon to Sanskrit and IE. Through Weber he…

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HAUSCHILD, Richard Wilhelm. Roschütz, Kr. Gera 2.12.1901 — Jena 15.2.1972. German (East) Indologist. Professor in Jena. Son of a farmer, matriculated from the Gymnasium of Gera, where Rudolf Rau (the father of Wilhelm Rau) inspired him with Indology. Studies of classical, German and Oriental philology at Tübingen, Leipzig (Hertel) and…

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HAUG, Martin

HAUG, Martin. Ostdorf bei Balingen, Württemberg 30.1.1827 — Ragaz, Switzerland 3.6.1876. German Indo-Iranian Scholar. Son of a farmer, Martin H., who only reluctantly allowed his talented son to pursue studies, and Anna Maria Jetter (d. 1841). At the age of 16 he worked as an auxiliary teacher. On his own…

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HAUER, Jakob Wilhelm

HAUER, Jakob Wilhelm. Kitzingen, Kr. Leonberg, Württemberg 4.4.1881 — Tübingen 18.2.1962. German Indologist. Professor in Tübingen. Son of a master plasterer, Jakob Hauer, and Gottliebin Maier, in a Pietist family. After elementary school learned his father’s craft, but went in 1900 to the mission school of Basel. In 1907 to…

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HASKELL, Willabe

HASKELL, Willabe (Willoughby). Freeport, Cumberland, Maine 19.8.1839 — New Haven, Conn. 7.5.1913. U.S. Scholar and Journalist. Son of William H. and Lydia Stockbridge. Graduated 1855 from Dartmouth College. Worked ten years as teacher of Greek and Latin at East Maine Conference Seminary, then from 1874 further studies at Yale. Ph.D.…

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