MATERNA, Zdeněk. Brno 9.7.1900 — Breslau (Wrocław) 23.3.1944. Czech Teacher and former Student of Indology. Educated in Brno, studies from 1920 at Prague. Ph.D. 1925 Charles University, Prague (under Zybatý). Then Gymnasium Professor in Ostrava (Moravia). and another Internet source confirm the dates, but give Ratibor (Racibórz in Poland)…

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LANMAN, Charles Rockwell

LANMAN, Charles Rockwell. Norwich, Conn. 8.7.1850 — Belmont, Mass. 20.2. 1941. U.S. Indologist. Professor in Cambridge, Mass. Son of Peter Lanman III (1807–1886), a textile manufacturer, and Catherine Cook (1814–1854), lost early his mother. Educated at Norwich Free Academy (graduated 1867) and Yale College (A.B. 1871). Then further studies of…

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LANGLOIS, Simon-Alexandre

LANGLOIS, Simon-Alexandre. Nogent-sur-Marne (or Paris?) 4.8.1788 — Nogent-sur-Marne 11.8.1854. French Indologist. Schoolteacher and Member of Academy in Paris. Studies of Sanskrit under Chézy in Paris. Professor (teacher) of Rhetorics at Lycée de Charlemagne. Inspecteur de l’Académie de Paris. From 1835 member of A.I.B.L. Married, children. Langlois was the favourite student…

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SCHWAB, Julius

SCHWAB, Julius. 17.4.1852 — 1928. German Librarian and Student of Indology. Born in a Roman Catholic family. Studies at Munich under E. Kuhn. Ph.D. 1882 Munich. From 1882 Hilfsarbeiter at Grossherzogliche Badische Hof- und Landesbibliothek in Karlsruhe, from 1887 at university library in Freiburg i.Br. (1890 custos, 1900 librarian, still…

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STREITER, Friedrich

STREITER, Friedrich. Bozen (Bolzano) 2.11.1833 — Bozen 28.1.1894. Austrian Industrialist, former student of Indology. Born in the then Austrian South Tiroli, son of Joseph Streiter and Johanna Holer (d. 1837). After school in Bozen and Innsbruck he entered military college in Graz, but soon resigned for further study of languages.…

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SCHWENTNER, Ernst. Schwerin, Mecklenburg 28.6.1890 — 197?. German Indo-Iranian, Tocharian and IE Scholar. Gymnasium in Schwerin. Ph.D. 1915 Münster (diss. on Germanistics). Later on he was a private scholar (schoolteacher?) living in Schwerin, and never had an academic position. Publications: Diss. Eine sprachgeschichtliche Untersuchung über den Gebrauch und die Bedeutung…

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SCHWEIZER-SIDLER, Johann Heinrich (originally J. H. Schweizer). Elgg, canton Zürich 12.9. 1815 — Zürich 30.3.1894. Swiss IE Scholar. Professor in Zürich. Son of Anton Schweizer, the minister of Elgg, family from Zürich. He intended himself to become a priest, but at school became fascinated with classical languages. In 1835-38 studied classical…

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STEVENSON, John. Alton Campsie, Stirlingshire 3.11.1798 — Ladykirk11.8.1858. Rev. British (Scottish) Missionary and Indologist in India. Son of William Stevenson (1772–1810) and Elizabeth Holland (1771–1810), educated at Glasgow and Edinburgh Universities. M.A. 1816 Glasgow. Ordained 1823 and sent by Scottish Missionary Society to their new Bombay Mission. “Missionary at Hurnee…

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SCHROEDER, Leopold von

SCHROEDER, Leopold Alexander von. Dorpat (Tartu) 12.(24.)12.1851 — Vienna 8.2.1920. German (of Estonia) Indologist in Austria. Professor in Vienna. Son of school director Julius von Schroeder (1808–1888) and Leopoldine Marie Schrenck (1817–1895), the 7th child in a large family. Educated in Dorpat (Tartu), as a schoolboy started attending Leo Meyer’s…

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SCHRADER, Friedrich O.

SCHRADER, Friedrich Otto. Hamburg 19.3.1876 — Kiel 3.11.1961. German Indologist. Professor in Kiel. Son of a judge, educated in Hamburg. Following father’s wishes he worked in business in 1892-95, but continued then studies privately (matriculation 1897 from Hamburg). In 1897-1902 studied Indology at Göttingen (Kielhorn), Strassburg (Leumann) and Kiel. Ph.D.…

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