KAUFMANN, Walter. Karlsbad (now Karlovy Vary in Czech) 1.4.1907 — Bloomington 9.9.1984. Czech German composer, conductor and Musicologist in the U.S.A. Born in the then Austro-Hungarian Empire of Jewish parents, Julius Jakob K. (d. 1938) and Josefine Antonia Wagner. Studied music in Prague and Berlin, started his career as conductor…

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HUNGERLEIDER, Fritz. Vienna 1920 — Vienna 1997. Austrian Bauddha. Born in a Catholic family, son of a Jewish merchant and Catholic mother. Studied at Handelsakademie. After matriculation in 1938 went to exile and came to Ceylon, then spent nine years 1938-47 in Shanghai. Then returned to Vienna. In 1958 again…

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HÜGEL, Carl Alexander, Freiherr von

HÜGEL, Carl Alexander Anselm, Freiherr von. Regensburg 25.4.1796 — Brussels 2.6.1870. Austrian Diplomat, Traveller, Naturalist and Horticulturist. Son of Johann Aloys Josef Fr. von H., a diplomat and statesman, and Anna von Holthof. Began law studies at Heidelberg, but soon, in 1811, joined Austrian army and served in Napoleonic and…

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HOEGELSBERGER, Karl. 18?? — 19??. Austrian Student of Iranian (?). Ph.D. 1908 Vienna. Publications: Diss. Sprachvergleichende Studien aus dem Persischen. Vienna 1908. Sources: Nothing found.

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HEINE-GELDERN, Robert, Freiherr von

HEINE-GELDERN, Robert, Freiherr von. Grub, Niederösterreich 16.7.1885 — Vienna 25.5.1968. Austrian Anthropologist. Professor in Vienna. Born in a rich Jewish family, grand-nephew of poet Heinrich Heine. Educated in Vienna. From 1903 studied philosophy and art history at Munich and then at Vienna. In 1910 travelled in India and Burma, now…

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HANUSZ, Jan. Kołodziejówka near Stanisławów (then in Austrian Galicia, now Kolodiivka in Ukraina) 13.7.1858 — Paris 26.7.1887. Polish (Austrian) Indo-Iranian, Slavic, Armenian and Gipsy Scholar. Born in a village in the east of Lesser Poland (Małopolska), son of Józef H. Matriculated from Stanisławów gymnasium 1877. In 1877-81 studies of classic…

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HAEKEL, Joseph

HAEKEL, Joseph. Vienna 17.6.1907 — Vienna 2.11.1973. Austrian Ethnologist. Son of a court official. From 1931 studied ethnology at Vienna. Ph.D. 1935 Vienna, then Assistant of Koppers. PD 1941 Vienna, soon to army. Ao. Professor from 1950. After war continued Amerindian studies, but in the late 1950s turned to South…

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HABSBURG, Josef, Erzherzog von Österreich

HABSBURG, Josef Karl Ludwig, Erzherzog von Österreich (József Károly Lajos, nom-de-plume József Főherczec [Erzherzog Josef]). Pozsony (Bratislava) 2.3.1833 — Fiume (Rijeka) 13.6.1905. Austro-Hungarian Nobleman, Officer, and Gipsy Scholar. Son of Archduke Josef Anton Johannes (1776–1847) and Maria Dorothea of Württemberg, grandson of emperor Leopold II. After a careful education he…

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HABERLANDT, Michael. Altenburg (now Mosonmagyaróvár, Hungary) 29.9.1860 — Vienna 14.6.1940. Austrian Anthropologist and Indologist. Son of agronomist Friedrich H. (1826–1878) and Katharina Köhler. Studies of Indology, etc. at Vienna, Ph.D. 1882. In 1892 he became the first PD of Ethnology at Vienna University, from 1910 with ao. Professor’s title. From…

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GRÜBER, Johann

GRÜBER, Johann Baptist (Bai Năixīn). Linz 28.10.1620 (or 1623) — Sárospatak 30.9.1680. S.J. Austrian Missionary and Traveller. Early years poorly known. After Jesuit gymnasium in Linz joined S.J. in 1641 in Vienna. After studies of philosophy and mathematics in Vienna, Leoben and Graz he was gymnasium teacher in Leoben, Graz…

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