BOULANGER-MALONEY, Chantal. Paris 4.1.1957 — Kebili, Tunisia 27.12.2004. French Social Anthropo­logist working on South India. Educated in France, studied in Brighton and Japan, then anthropology and Tamil in Paris. In 1989-93 worked in American Museum of Natural History in New York. Then in France, but 1997 moved to London. Interested…

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ROUSSEAU, Pierre (pseudonym Pierre Vellones). Paris 29.3.1889 — Paris 17.7.1939. French Composer and Painter. Educated at Collège Stanislas. Studied medicine, from 1914 in the army. After 1926 seriously ill. He was rather noted composer with wide production of different genres (including the ballet Le Paradis d’Amitabha 1938). Publications: “L’art du Tibet:”, RAA 4, 1927, 21-39 (les…

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RENEL, Charles

RENEL, Charles Ulysse. Strasbourg 6.5.1866 — Tananarive 9.9.1925. French Philologist. Son of Émile R., a railway official, and Uranie Lafite (D. 1878). After Franco-Prussian war the family moved to Épinal (Vosges). From 1884 studies in Paris, at Lycée Louis-le-Grand and from 1886 École normale supérieure, concentrating on linguistics and comparative religion.…

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QUÉGUINER, Maurice René. Ploujean, Finistère 11.7.1909 — Paris 2.9.1977. Father. French Catholic Missionary in India. Studies at seminary of Quimper, then 1928-32 Missions etrangères, ordained priest 1932. In 1933-37 worked in Kalimpong, Sikkim, in 1937-39 and 1941-48 in Mysore. In 1952-60 in Unesco, 1960-74 Supérieur général of Missions etrangères. Publications: Introduction à…

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PRIEUR, Édouard

PRIEUR,  Simon Léon Édouard. Bordeaux 11.2.1803 — 1848?. French Colonial Official in India. Son of Alexandre Simon Pr. and Marguerite Jenny Dulphy. Teacher in Pondichéry. Member of Conseil général in Pondichéry. Married 1841 Nancy Aimée Céléstine Lafauche, at least one son. Publications: “Histoire du roi Nallane, par Adivirarameim, ancien poëte tamoul. Analyse d’un…

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PIGNÈDE, Bernard

PIGNÈDE, Bernard. 16.3.1932 — 21.11.1961, when 29. French Anthropologist of Nepal. Studies in Paris (É.P.H.É.), under L. Dumont, in 1958 fieldwork in Nepal. Died in an accident before his only book appeared. In a review Fürer-Haimendorf praises its scholarly approach, although he conducted his fieldwork before formal training in anthropology.…

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PERI, Noël

PERI, Noël. Cruzy-le-Châtel (Yvonne) 22.8.1865 — Hanoi 25.6.1922. Father. French Missionary and Sino-Japanologist. Ordained priest 1888. Served Paris Foreign Missions Society in Matsumoto (Nagano and Tokyo. With his broad philosophical views had difficulties with his more conservative colleagues and resigned in 1902, but visited often Japan almost until his death.…

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PERCHERON, Maurice. Archachon (Gironde) 22.7.1891 — Paris 22.12.1963.French Engineer and Author. Son of Alfred P., a physician, and Madeleine Nonès. Participated in WW I. In the 1930s several travels in Asia. Married 1916 Suzanne Moreau (divorce 1940) and 1941 Suzanne Boyer. Publications: Tour d’Asie. 258 p. P. 1936; La Chine. P. 1935;…

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OLLONE, Henri d’

OLLONE, Henri Marie Gustave d’. Besançon 4.9.1868 — Lorp-Sentaraille (Ariège) 7.10.1945. French Officer and Explorer. General. Military education at Saint-Cyr, in 1895 participted in Madagascar campaign. Then served in West Africa. In 1906-09 led an expedition to China. Participated in WW I. Brigade General 1919, grand officer of Légion d’honneur 1933. Publications: “Exploration…

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OLIVIER, Georges

OLIVIER, Georges. Paris 6.9.1912 — 13.3.1996. French Anthropologist. De.méd. 1938 Paris. Dr.-es-sc. 1955 Paris. From 1953 Professeur agrégé d’anatomie at Lille, from 1963 Prof. agr. d’anthropologie in Paris. In 1969 founded the Laboratory of Biological Anthropoligy (Faculté de sciences, Paris). Retired 1978. Publications: Diss. Les populations de Cambodge. P. 1955. – Anthropologie des…

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