NUSSBAUM, Louis-Frédéric

NUSSBAUM, Louis-Frédéric (nom-de-plume Louis Frédéric). Paris 1923 —Quincy-sous-Sénart near Paris 24.11.1996. French Artist, Art Historian and Writer. Worked as illustrator, travelled in Africa. Interested in Asia he studied at Sorbonne and É.P.H.É. Dd not enter academic career and remained free author. Knew Sanskrit, Hindi and Japanese, Publications: Dans les pas du…

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NAU, François

NAU, François-Nicolas. Thil (Meurthe-et-Moselle) 13.5.1864 — Paris 2.9.1931. French Catholic Priest and Syrologist. Son of François-Nicolas Nau and Marguerite Longueville. After primary school in Longwy attended petit séminaire of Notre-Dame des Champs in Paris, then from 1882 Grand Séminaire de Saint-Sulpice. Baccalaureate in theology and canonic law 1887, now also…

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MORÉCHAND, Guy. Paris 1923 — 2002. French Anthropologist. Licencié ès lettres 1948 in Anthropology. Ph.D. 1966 Paris. From 1950 member of É.F.É.O. in Hanoi, 1957-63 in Japan, later in Paris and Pondicherry. Retired 1980. Publications: Diss. Le chamanisme des Hmong. 1965; mainly wrote on Vietnam and Japan. – “Paul Mus (1902-1969)”,  BEFEO  57,…

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MIGOT, André

MIGOT, André. Paris 28.2.1892 — Villejuif 17.2.1967. French Physician and Traveller. In WW I served as medical officer. Then physician in Paris. In 1938-39 visited Afghanistan and India. During WW II worked in occupied Paris, after war went to Indochina and in 1947-48 visited Eastern Tibet and China, but…

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MARTINET, André. Saint-Alban-des-Villards (Savoie) 12.4.1908 — Châtenay-Malabry (Paris) 16.7.1999. French Linguist. Began his studies with English and Germanic. Ph.D. 1937 Paris. In 1938-46 directeur d’études at É.P.H.É. In 1947-55 taught at Columbia University in New York. Then returned to É.P.H.É. and soon Professor of General Linguistics at Sorbonne/Paris V. Married Karen…

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MARCEL-DUBOIS, Claudie. Tours 19.1.1913 — Paris 1.2.1989. French Pianist and Ethnomusicologist. Studies at Conservatoire national supérieur de musique. From 1934 she worked in the Music department of Musée d’ethnographie de Trocadéro. Publications: “Notes sur les instruments de musique figurés dans l’art plastique de l’Inde ancienne”, RAA 11, 1937, 36-49; Instruments de musique de l’Inde…

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LIACRE DE SAINT-FIRMIN, Julie. 18?? — 19??. French Physician (M.D.) interested in Indian Tradition. The reviewer of RHR deems her book as unripe, it contains errors and many important sources are missing. Publications: Médecine et légendes bouddhiques de l’Inde. 120 p. P. 1916. Sources: No hints about her person found.

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LEMBEZAT, Bertrand

LEMBEZAT, Bertrand Jean François. Cairo, Egypr 8.3.1913 — 26.3.1986.French Ethnologist and Colonial Official. Son of Jean Lembezat and Marcelle Le Fee de Plaudren. Studies in Paris, diploms of École nationale d’outre-mer, École nationale des langues orientales and Institut d’ethnologie. During WW II worked for France libre in Africa. Married, one son.…

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LE BONHEUR, Albert. Saigon 6.8.1938 — 8.2.1996. French Art Historian of South and South-East Asia. Educated in Saigon, Hanoi and Paris, studied art history, Sanskrit and Tamil in Paris. Diplome of École du Louvre 1966. The conservator in Musée Guimet, from 1971 also taught at École du Louvre. Ph.D. 1978 Paris…

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LA MAZELIÈRE, Antoine de

LA MAZELIÈRE, Antoine Rous, Marquis de. Paris 28.9.1864 — Paris 23.8.1937. French Traveller and Author. Apparently he himself thought to be a specialist, but the reviewers in RHR make it clear that he was a pure dilettante. Publications: Moines et ascètes indiens. — Essai sur les caves d’Ajaṇṭâ et les couvents bouddhistes des Indes. 306 p.…

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