BRUCE, John. Fife 1744/45 — Fife 16.4.1826. British (Scottish) Historian of the Colonial Period. Son of shipmaster Andrew Bruce and Jean Squyre. Studies at Edinburgh, then Professor of Logic and Moral Philosophy there. Historiographer of E.I.C. from 1801. In 1809-14 M.P. for Michell, Cornwall. Publications: Historical Views of Plans for the…

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BRODIE, Alexander Oswald

BRODIE, Alexander Oswald. 1817? — Edinburgh 5/6.11.1874, when 57. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in Sri Lanka. Son of Colonel James Br., of Madras Army. From 1845 in Ceylon rising to Assistant Agent at Matale, in 1853 returned to the U.K., got married and resigned from service in 1855, moving to…

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BRANDT, Francis

BRANDT, Francis. Pendleton, Lancashire 6.5.1840 — Cheltenham, Gloucestershire 17.7.1925. British Civil Servant in India. Son of Robert Brandt. Educated at Cheltenham College, became famous as cricketer. After graduation from Oxford (Brasenose College) joined I.C.S. in 1862, served in South India. From 1884 Judge in Madras High Court, retired 1887. In…

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BRADDOCK, John. Westminster 1794 — Madras 1840. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of John and Sarah Br. Served in Madras army. In the Preface to gunpowder book, signed in Madras 1830, he says to have been 17 years absent from England. Lieutenant. Married 1819 Elizabeth Stephenson, three daughters and…

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BETTS, Ursula (née Bower)

BETTS, Ursula  Violet Graham (née U. V. G. Bower). Wiltshire 15.5.1914 — 12.11.1988. British Anthropologist. Daughter of Commander John Graham Bower (RN). Educated at Roedean School, but family difficulties prevented planned studies at Oxford. First visit to North-East India (Naga Hills) in 1937, returned there in 1939 and began anthropological…

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BERESFORD, George Read Edward

BERESFORD, George Read Edward. 3.8.1815 — Delhi 11.5.1857. British Banker in India. Son of Thomas B. (d. 1819) and Ann Blake, went to India in 1834-35. Manager of Cawnpur Bank, in 1849 transferred to become manager of Delhi Bank. “Massacred with his wife and five daughters … at the Bank-house…

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BELL,  Thomas Evans

BELL,  Thomas Evans. London 11.11.1825 — Kensington, London 12.9.1887. British Colonial Officer in India. Major. Son of William Bell and Elizabeth Kinnear, educated at Wandsworth (London). Joined Madras Army in 1842. In 1855-60 Assistant Commissioner in Nagpur, lost his position because of disagreement with Chief Commissioner. In 1861-63 Deputy Commissioner of…

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BEALE, Thomas William

BEALE, Thomas William. 1??? — Agra 1875. British Civil Servant and Oriental Scholar in India. Very little is known of his life. He worked as clerk in the office of Board od Revenue, North-Western Provinces. Assisted H. M. Elliot in his work about Muslim Indian history. “Died at a great…

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BATESON, Joseph Harger

BATESON, Joseph Harger. Kendal, Westmoreland 5.3.1865 — 5.10.1935. Rev. British clergyman in Burma. Son of Thomas B. and Sarah Severs. From 1886 until 1913 Chaplain of territorial Forces, at least initially served in Burma. Secretary of Wesleyan Army and Navy Board. Married 1892 Rose Edmeades. Publications: Articles on Buddhism in E.R.E.…

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BARKER, William Burckhardt

BARKER, William Burckhardt. Aleppo, Syria 1810 — Sinope, Turkey 28.1.1856. British Traveller. Son of Consul-General John B. In 1819 brought to England for education, in 1835 returned to Syria, later on resident in Tarsus. He travelled much in Levant, occasionally carrying diplomatic duties. Some time Professor of Arabic, Turkish, Persian,…

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