BALFOUR, Henry. Croydon, London 11.4.1863 — Headington, Oxford 9.2.1939. British Archaeologist and Anthropologist. Son of Lewis Balfour, a silk broker, and Sarah Walker Comber, educated at Charterhouse. Studies at Oxford (Trinity College), graduated 1885 in biology. Worked under H. N. Moseley in Pitt Rivers Museum (Oxford), at his death in…

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BACON, Thomas

BACON, Thomas. Paddington, London 11.8.1813 — Devonshire 11.2.1892.British Colonial Officer and Artist in India. Son of sculptor John Bacon and Susannah Sophia Taylor. In 1835-38 Lieutenant with Bengal Horse Artillery stationed in Meerut. Then resigned and returned to London. Studied first law, but then took religion. He was Chaplain in…

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ATKINSON, James. Darlington, co. Durham 17.3.(or 9.3.?)1780 — London 7.8.1852.British Physician in India, Scholar of Persian and Urdū. Son of a woolcomber. Medical studies at Edinburgh and London, joined Indian Medical Service in 1805 as Assistant Surgeon and worked in Bengal. From 1812 Assistant to the Assay Master at Calcutta…

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ASBOE, Walter

ASBOE, Walter. Hopedale, Labrador 1895 — Dublin 1965. Rev. British (Canadian) Missionary. From 1921 (or 1925?) Moravian missionary in Kyelang (Lahul), then in Ladakh from 1939 to 1947, director of an industrial school in Leh. Minister in East Tytherton, Wiltshire from 1948-1952. Publications: “Disposal of the Dead in Tibet”, Man 32,…

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ANDERSON, John. Edinburgh 4.10.1833 — Buxton, Derbyshire 15.8.1900. British (Scottish) Zoologist In India. Son of Thomas A., Secretary of National Bank of Scotland, and Jane Cleghorn. School and medical studies in Edinburgh. M.D. 1862 (with zoological diss.). Two years Professor of Natural History at Free Church College in Edinburgh, then…

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ARBUTHNOT, Alexander John

ARBUTHNOT, Alexander John. Killaloe, Ireland 11.10.1822 — 10.6.1907. Sir. British (Irish) Civil Servant in India. Son of Alexander A. (1768–1828), Bishop of Killaloe, and Margaret Phoebe Bingham. Educated at Rugby and Haileybury. Joined I.C.S. 1842 in Madras. As Director of Public Instruction from 1855 he had an important role in…

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AITKEN, Edward Hamilton

AITKEN, Edward Hamilton. Satara, India 16.8.1851 — Edinburgh 11.4.1909. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Son of Rev. James A., a missionary of Free Church of Scotland, educated in Bombay. Studies at Bombay University, B.A. and M.A. In 1880-86 Reader in Latin at Deccan College. Then served in Customs and…

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ABERIGH-MACKAY, George Robert. Bengal (?) 25.7.1848 — Indore 12.1.1881. British (Scottish) Teacher in India. Son of Rev. Dr. James A.-M. and Lucia Livingston Reed, educated privately in Scotland. Studies at Oxford (Magdalen College School) and Cambridge (St.Catherine’s College). Joined Indian Education Department in 1870 in Bareli, 1873 Professor of English…

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PEAL, Samuel E.

PEAL, Samuel Edward. 31.12.1834 — Moran, Sibsagar 29.7.1897. British Lay Ethnographer and Botanist. Originally an artist, in 1862 went to India and became a tea-planter near Sibsagar, Assam. As a planter he did not succeed well, but gained some fame with his biological and ethnographical studies. Like many of his…

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ZOETE, Beryl de

ZOETE, Beryl  Drusilla de. London 1879 — 4.3.1962. British Dance Teacher, Dance Critic and Dance Researcher, also a Translator. Born in a family of distant Dutch descent, daughter of Edward Frank de Z. and Drusilla Kent. Studied English at Somerville College, Oxford, graduated 1901. She worked as dance teacher concentrating on…

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