YOUNGSON, John  Forbes White. Pitsligo, Aberdeenshire 6.3.1852 — India 27.6.1920. British (Scottish) Missionary in India. Son of Alexander Youngson and Helen Chapman, educated at Pitsligo and Skene Schools. Studies at Aberdeen: M.A. 1873, B.D. 1884. Joined Church of Scotland Mission and served from 1875 in Sialkot, then in Gujrat and,…

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YOUNG, Robert (1822–1888)

YOUNG, Robert. Edinburgh 10.9.1822 — Edinburgh 14.10.1888. British (Scottish) Missionary Printer in India, also a Hebrew Scholar. Son of John Young, a book-binder (Wikipedia) or of George Young, manager of a flour mill (D.N.B., adding that father died when he was child). From 1838 worked as printer’s apprentice, used free…

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YOUNG, Robert (d. 1823)

YOUNG, Robert. 17?? — 2.7.1823. British Colonial Officer in India. Captain, in 1821-22 Surveyor in the Nizam’s dominions. Married 1819 in Vellore Mary Hazlewood. Buried in Masulipatam. In 1848 the daughter of “the late Capt. Young, Madras army” was married. Publications: “An Account of Some Ancient Graves in the Vicinity of…

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YOUNG, Alex Henderson

YOUNG, Alex Henderson. 18?? — 1916. Rev. British (Scottish) Baptist Missionary in India. M.A. After five years as Pastor of Baptist Church came to Orissa in 1882. Headmaster of the English school in Cuttack (Katak) later known as Stewart School. In this he was succeeded by his younger brother John…

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WYNCH, Paul Marriot

WYNCH, Paul Marriot(t). India 1780 — Hawkhurst, Kent 12.3.1841. British Civil Servant in India. Son of William Alexander Wynch (1750–1819) and Arrhoda Crocket. Joined Bengal Civil Service in 1808. From 1818 Acting Registrar of Sudder Dewany and Nizamut Adawlut at Fort William, then Magistrate of 24 Parganas. Judicial Deputy Secretary…

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WROTH, Warwick

WROTH, Warwick William. Clerkenwell near London 24.8.1858 — London 26.9.1911. British Numismatist. Son of Rev. Warwick Reed Wroth (1825?–1867) and Sophia Brooks. After King’s School in Canterbury joined British Museum Dept. of coins and medals in 1878. Finally Senior Assistant Keeper of Coins and Medals in British Museum. Died after an…

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WRIGHT, Daniel

WRIGHT, Daniel. St Andrews and St Leonards, Fife 28.12.1833 — Aberdeen 15.1.1902. British (Scottish) Physician in India. Surgeon-Major of Medical Service. Son of Captain Alexander Wright (1793–1852, of Indian army) and Johanna Overbeek, brother of the Arabic scholar William Wright (1830–1889). Educated at St.Andrews. M.A. M.D. Joined Indian Medical Service…

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WOLLASTON, Matthew William

WOLLASTON (Woollaston), Matthew William. Calcutta 24.8.1802 — Mirzapore 10.6.1851. British Teacher and Missionary in India. Son of William Augustus Woollaston and Anne Mendes (1777–1817). Teacher at Government Sanskrit College in Agra, resigned and worked in mission. From 1844 Superintendent of Schools in Mirzapore. In his grammar he used Bengali letters. Married…

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WILSON, Roland Knyvet

WILSON, Roland Knyvet. Swaffham, Norfolk 27.8.1840 — Richmond, Surrey 29.10.1919. Sir, 2nd Bart. British Lawyer. Son of Rear-Admiral George Knyvet Wilson (1798–1866) and Agnes Mary Yonge. Educated at Eton, then studies at Cambridge (King’s College), B.A. 1863, M.A. 1866, LL.M. 1875. From 1867 worked as barrister, soon also journalist (in…

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WILSON, James. Dunning, Pertshire 27.2.1853 — Crieff, Pertshire 22.9.1926. Sir. British (Scottish) Civil Servant in India. Son of Rev. John Wilson and Jane Boag Livingstone, educated at Perth Academy. Studies at Edinburgh and Oxford (Balliol College). Entered I.C.S. 1873, in India from 1875. Served in the Punjab, then in government…

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