PETER, Friedrich A.

PETER, Friedrich A. Leh, Ladakh 1904 — 1988. Swiss Priest and Tibetan Scholar. Son of Friedrich E. Peter (d. 1945), who was Herrnhutian Bishop in Ladakh. Himself originally an architect, but soon turned to theology and became a priest. In 1930 returned to Ladakh and worked at the mission station…

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SCHÖNFELD, Karl. Schaffhausen 1878 — Locarno 10.7.1949. Swiss Student of Indology. Ph.D. 1909/10 Zürich. After school and gymnasium in Winterthur studied in 1897-98 classical and Romanic languages at Neuenburg (Neuchâtel) Academy, then 1898-1900 Sanskrit, IE, classics and Hebrew at Göttingen (Kielhorn) and 1900-03 classics and IE and philosophy at Zürich…

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SCHWYZER, Eduard. Zürich 15.2.1874 — Berlin 3.5.1943. Swiss IE Scholar in Germany. Professor in Zürich, Bonn and Berlin. Son of coppersmith Johann Eduard Schweizer and Sophie Ernst, grandnephew of —> Schweizer-Sidler. Educated in Zürich. Studies at Leipzig (Brugman, Leskien, Sievers, Windisch) and Zürich (Kaegi, Hitzig). Ph.D. 1898 Zürich. For…

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SCHWEIZER-SIDLER, Heinrich (originally H. Schweizer). Elgg, canton Zürich 12.9. 1815 — Zürich 30.3.1894. Swiss IE Scholar. Professor in Zürich. Son of the minister of Elgg, family from Zürich. He intended himself to become a priest, but at school became fascinated with classical languages. In 1835-38 studied classical philology at Zürich,…

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SENN, Alfred

SENN, Alfred. Blotzheim, Alsace (then Germany) 19.3.1899 — Ashford, CT 9.2.1978. Swiss Linguist of Baltic, German and IE in Lithuania and the U.S.A. Born in Alsace near Swiss border as the son of a farmer, studied at Fribourg and Heidelberg. Ph.D. 1921 Fribourg, went immediately to Lithuania. In 1922-30 taught…

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SCHAUFFELBERGER, Daniel Franz. Paris 1819 — 1???. Swiss Student of Classical Philology and Indology. Son of Daniel Franz Sch. of Neuchâtel and Eleonora Lardy. Educated in Neuchâtel and Geneva. Studies at Tübingen, Halle and Bonn. Ph.D. 1845 Bonn. In his vita he himself states that he was born in 1819…

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SCHACHT, Hans. Gränichen, Aargau 21.3.1863 — 19??. Swiss Teacher interested in Sanskrit. Educated at Collège classique de Sion and Gymnase classique de Lausanne. Studies of classics (and Sanskrit?) at Berlin University. Ph.D. 1890 Berlin. After a while as private tutor in Łodz he taught in 1895-98 at Collège and École…

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SAUSSURE, Ferdinand de

SAUSSURE, Ferdinand de. Geneva 26.9.1857 — Vufflens-le-Château, Vaud 22.2.1913. Swiss Linguist. Professor in Geneva. Son of Henri Louis Frédéric de Saussure (1829–1905), a zoologist, and Louise de Pourtalès, the family was originally of Lorraine nobility, settled in Switzerland in the 16th century. His brother was Sinologist Léopold de Saussure (1866–1925).…

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WENGER, John (Johann). Schwarzeneck near Bern 31.8.1811 — Calcutta 20.8.1880. Rev. Swiss Missionary in India. Son of Christian W. (d. 1816) and his wife, née Fischer. From 1824 gymnasium and 1827 studies of classics and theology at Bern. Adopted Baptism in 1832. In 1833-38 in Greece as tutor in an English…

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WACKERNAGEL, Jacob. Basel 11.12.1853 — Basel 22.5.1938. Swiss IE Linguist, Greek and Sanskrit Scholar. Professor in Göttingen and Basel. Son of Wilhelm W. (1806–1868), a Germanist and poet, and Maria Salome Sarasin, brother of the Germanist Rudolf W. (1855–1928). Studies of Greek at Basel, then also Sanskrit and Comparative IE…

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