BACON, Thomas

BACON, Thomas. Paddington, London 11.8.1813 — Devonshire 11.2.1892.British Colonial Officer and Artist in India. Son of sculptor John Bacon and Susannah Sophia Taylor. In 1835-38 Lieutenant with Bengal Horse Artillery stationed in Meerut. Then resigned and returned to London. Studied first law, but then took religion. He was Chaplain in…

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YOUNG, Robert (d. 1823)

YOUNG, Robert. 17?? — 2.7.1823. British Colonial Officer in India. Captain, in 1821-22 Surveyor in the Nizam’s dominions. Married 1819 in Vellore Mary Hazlewood. Buried in Masulipatam. In 1848 the daughter of “the late Capt. Young, Madras army” was married. Publications: “An Account of Some Ancient Graves in the Vicinity of…

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WILLIAMSON, W. J. 18?? — 19??. British Colonial Officer in India. Apparently served in India in 1854-95. Lieutenant, soon (1872) Captain. From 1866 the first Deputy Commissioner of Garo Hills, in 1879-80 Major and Chief Political Officer on Naga Hills Expedition. C.I.E. Publications: “A Vocabulary of the Garo and Koch Dialects”, JASB 38,…

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WILLATT, John. 1??? — 19??. British Colonial Officer in India. Major (1941). One Ltn. J.W. served in Italy in WW 1. Publications: With P. T. Srinivasa Iyengar: A Short History of India from the Earliest Times. 6+232 p. Bombay 1928. – A textbook of Urdu in the Roman script. 2nd ed. 1941, 6th…

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WILBERFORCE-BELL, Harold. 1885 — Portington, East Riding, Yorkshire 1956. Sir. British Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant-Colonel. Son of elder H.W.-B. and Lucy Wilson. Educated at Ellesmere College, studies at Oxford (Pembroke College). Joined Indian army in 1905, in 1910-40 in Indian Political Service, Agent to the Governor-General in Deccan States Agency…

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WARREN, John (Jean de Warren)

WARREN, John (Jean Baptiste François Joseph de Warren). Leghorn 21.9.1769 — Pondichéry 9.2.1830. British-French Colonial Officer in India. Lieutenant-Colonel. Son of Count Henri Hyacinthe de Warren (1732–1781) and Christine Walburge de Meurers (1737–1819). In 1793 moved to London and soon went to Calcutta. After a failed attempt as indigo planter joined…

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VOST, William

VOST, William. ?.11.1861 — London 1947.  British (Scottish) Army Physician in India. Son of Henry Vost (1823–1877) and Isobel Charlotte Broad. Medical studies at Glasgow. From 1887 served in North India. Surgeon-Captain (1893). Retired as Lieutenant-Colonel in 1913. Married 1910 Gladys McKechnie (1886–1969), two children. Publications: Numismatic articles in JASB and NC in…

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VAUGHAN-ARBUCKLE, Benjamin. 18?? — 19??. One B.V.-A. became Lieutenant-Colonel 1887. But the family had several officers serving in India in the 19th century. One (the same?) Captain B.V.-A., son of General B.V.-A., was married 1872. But Our B.V.-A. was only Captain in 1911 – perhaps he belongs to next generation.…

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TUFNELL, R. H. Campbell

TUFNELL, Robert Hutchinson Campbell (Tuffnell). 1852 — 1908. British Colonial Officer in South India. Son of Thomas Robert Tufnell, a businessman, and Frances Howard Hutchinson. Captain (1888), served mainly in South India. Participated in Afghan wars. Retired as Major. Married 1878 Mary Anne Luard Smith (b. 1858), two sons. Publications: “On a Collection…

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TORRENS, Henry D’Oyley

TORRENS, Henry  D’Oyley. Meerut 24.2.1833 — London 1.12.1889. Sir. British Colonial Officer in India. Son of —> H. W. Torrens (1806–1852) and Eliza Mary Roberts (1808–1834). Joined army in 1849, Colonel 1864, Major-General 1869 and Lieutenant-General 1884. Served in Crimean war and 1857 uprising. Travels in Ladakh, etc. during the…

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