SMITH, R. Morton

SMITH, Ronald Morton. Galashiels, Selkirkshire 25.8.1915 — Toronto 18.11.1996. British (Scottish) Indologist in Canada. The only child of John Smith and Margaret Leitch. Educated at Bromsgrove School near Birmingham. Studies at St.Andrews (M.A. 1939 in classics), Oxford (Pembroke College, where he after the war service passedB.A. & M.A. 1947 in…

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SMITH, Helmer

SMITH, Helmer. Boo, Stockholms län 26.4.1882 — 9.1.1956. Swedish Indologist. Professor in Uppsala. Son of an engineer, Henning Smith (of distant British origin), and Fanny Sehlstedt (d. 1929). Matriculated from Stockholm in 1900. Studies at Uppsala: fil.kand. 1904, fil.lic. 1908. In 1909-20 further studies in Berlin, Paris (Bloch) and especially…

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SMIRNOV, Jurij Andreevič

SMIRNOV, Jurij Andreevič. Vladikavkaz 12.3.1923 — 17.2.1984. Russian Indologist, specialist of Pañjabi. Son of a worker. In 1941-58 served in army (in 1941-45 in war). Graduated 1954 from VIIJa. Kand. filol. nauk 1963. From 1967 naučnyj sotrudnik at Oriental Institute of Academy of Science in Moscow. Publications: At least 50…

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SMET, Richard V. de

SMET, Richard V. de. Montignies-sur-Sambre near Charleroi 16.4.1916 — Brussels 2.3.1997. Father. S.J. Belgian Missionary and Indologist. Came to India in 1946 as a Jesuit student, studied Theology and then also Sanskrit in Calcutta ( under R. Antoine). Ph.D. 1954 Gregorian Pontifical University, Rome, in Philosophy. Back in India, from…

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SŁUSZKIEWICZ, Eugeniusz Leonard. Jarosław in South-Eastern Poland 6.11.1901 — Warsaw 28.8.1981. Polish Indologist and Armenologist. Professor in Warsaw. Son of Franciszek Sł. (1875–1944), a gymnasium teacher. Educated at gymnasium in Bochnia. Studied from 1919 at Cracow classical philology, Slavistics, Germanic and IE linguistics, learnt Sanskrit from Rozwadowski. Then studied Indology…

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SKURZAK, Ludwik. Cieszanów near Rzeszów 18.11.1900 — Wrocław 26.2.1979. Polish Indologist. Born in a farmer family. Studied at the Jan Kazimir University in Lwów (L’viv, under Stasiak), M.A. 1932. From 1933 further studies of Indology in Paris, at É.P.H.É. and Collège de France under Renou, Przyluski and J. Bloch. 1937…

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SKÖLD, Hannes

SKÖLD, Hannes (Johannes Evelinus). Västerlövsta, Västmanland 20.9.1886 — Höör, Skåne 14.9.1930. Swedish Indologist and Linguist. Son of the missionary Johan Sköld (1859–1946, in China 1885-1922) and Eva Charlotta Eriksdotter (d. 1931), spent himself the age 4 to 11 in China. Matriculated in 1905 from Norrköping, studied at Göteborg (fil.kand. 1907). Worked as…

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SIMONSSON, Nils. Offerdal, Jämtland 12.11.1920 — Uppsala 22.5.1994. Swedish Indologist. Professor in Oslo and Uppsala. Son of a farmer, Simon Simonsson, and Helena Olofsson. Educated in Offerdal and Östersund. From 1941 studies at Uppsala under H. Smith, passed fil.kand. 1945 and fil.lic 1951. In 1949 further studies in Paris under…

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SIMENSCHY, Theofil. Iaşi 27.1.1892 — Iaşi 15.12.1968. Romanian Indologist and Linguist. Professor in Iaşi (Jassy). After lyceum in Iaşi studied from 1910 classical philology and German at University of Iaşi, graduated 1913. Worked as schoolteacher and participated in the WW I. From 1926 Assistant at Iaşi University, Ph.D. there 1927.…

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SILBURN, Lilian. Paris 19.2.1908 — Le Vésinet (Yvelines) 19.3.1993. Mademoiselle. French Indologist. Daughter of English father and French mother. From 1938 studied philosophy, and soon also Indology under Lévi, Masson-Oursel and Renou in Paris. Dissertation on Indian philosophy in 1949 in Paris. In 1949 she went to India and remained…

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